Taylor Family Genealogy


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801 The group sheet from J.E. Taylor clearly shows a death date of 1828 which is impossible since she was married in 1851!--LKL

JET feels that 1878 is more correct. 1828 date was sent by a Virginia relative. 
CARSON, Marie Louise (I327)
802 The Heritage of Henderson Co. N.C. gives her dates as 1779-1862. According to the same source, they had "fourteen children, many of whom moved from Mill Spring, North Carolina to settle in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Texas." TAYLOR, Sarah (I80)
803 The Hunts had two daughters. My mother, Leora Kneer Taylor, once remarked that she sent her maternity clothes to Elizabeth. They were both very petite people. -- LKL MCLEOD, Martha Elizabeth (I356)
804 The name Clifton B. Young is given in the obituary of Nellie Virginia Young. Since his daughter lived with his wife's mother, one wonders what became of Cliff and his wife? YOUNG, Cliff (I1700)
805 The only source for him is his father's obituary. CARSON, Elmer (I1982)
806 The photocopy of the birth and death information, written in an old-fashioned hand, was very indistinct. If Jessie's parents died when she was five years old, as related in the article about her fiftieth wedding anniversary, it would seem that the parents and their youngest child must all have died about the same time. -- LKL BROWN, Catherine R. (I1978)
807 The year of birth is determined from a source documenting his age as 60 in 1860.--JET
Is the middle name correct? "Bowmer," his mother's maiden name would seem more likely than "Bowman."--LKL 
MCLEOD, John Bowman (I257)
808 Their grandson became Governor Thomas King Carroll. -- Gerrit Van Sweringen in the U.S.A., p. 22. VAN SWEARINGEN, Eleanor (I1425)
809 There is some confusion as to whether Christina or Samuel was the first-born; however, the1800 Census, Buncombe Co. N.C. lists Benjamin with one female child. Henderson Heritage [ which JET believes to be unreliable], p 312 has Samuel as the elder--JET
oved to Missouri -- Heritage of Henderson Co. N.C. 
KING, Christina (I23)
810 There is some confusion as to whether Christina or Samuel was the first-born; however, the1800 Census, Buncombe Co. N.C. lists Benjamin with one female child. Henderson Heritage, p 312 has Samuel as the elder--JET
Moved to Missouri -- Heritage of Henderson Co. N.C. 
KING, Samuel (I366)
811 There seems to have been some confusion about Jane's name. Bond lists her as Jane (Riley) Doyle, but that has been corrected by hand in the manuscript to read Jane (Doyle) Hyde. Had she been married previously or did she remarry after Thomas' death?

Why did she go so far afield to die? Did she go to N.C. with son Samuel and his wife? Did she join them later? 
HYDE, Jane Doyle (I1330)
812 This was the first marriage of friends in the Hopewell meeting which had been organized earlier in that year. -- Hopewell Friends History, p. 543.

However Hunter McKay gives the date as Dec 19, 1734 and the place as the house of Isaac Parkins in Va. He notes that the couple were married under the care of the Nottingham monthly meeting as the Hopewell meeting had not yet been officially established. This was the first marriage in the Shenandoah Valley of Friends -- The Mackeys and Allied Families, pp. 150-151.

Dee Ann (Shipp) Buck also gives the December date for the marriage. 
Family F155
813 Thomas is said to have moved to Pennsylvania where he probably married and had childreb PAINTER, Thomas (I1538)
814 Thought to have been a friend of and in service with George Washington. See notes under Lawrence Stephens.

"That he was an energetic, wide awake business man is shown by the Frederick County Records. He was interested in making iron, having his iron works at Marlboro. Later, he sold the iron works to General Isaac Zane. He received from Lord Fairfax, in 1752, a grant of 1384 acres of land, and in 1754, he purchased of his father, 424 acres of the 674 acre patent to Peter Stephens, Sr. In 1758 he applied to the General Assembly for a charter for the town of Stephensburg and until about 1790, did a thriving business in town lots. [On the preceding page, this author notes that Peter Stephens, Sr. had founded Stephensburg, later Stephens City!] He died in 1805 leaving the bulk of his estate to his son Lewis, Jr. Mary, his wife, died sometime between September 4 1797 and April 2, 1798. The first deed that she signed was on May 7, 1745 and the last was on September 4, 1797. The next deed made by Lewis Stephens, Sr. in which she is not mentioned is on April 2. 1798 
STEPHENS, Lewis (I1374)
815 Thought to have settled in Wisconsin in an area that is now Milwaukee, He is probably the brother that Jesse joined after having given up on his bottom land in Missouri and before returning to Virginia. PAINTER, Robert (I1633)
816 Timothy, b. ca. 1653; m. Rachel Surman [?]; He came to West Jersey 'free' on the "Paradise," which arrived at the Delaware River March 7, 1681/2, when he was 28, with his sister, Mary, aged 15; she apparently went to live with the family of Daniel [possibly Wille] to whom William Matlack was indentured; they were poor but Mary married and Timothy was granted 100 acres next to William Matlack's plantation. -- Ancestral Lines Revealed, p. 1
HANCOCK, Mary (I1675)
817 To Emily and her husband, Joseph Painter, John McKay, Sr deeded the stone and log house, still known locally as the Painter place. MCKAY, Emily (I1040)
818 Tombstone in Bethel Church Cemetery shows Masonic emblem. The stone gives the date of death as 1932, but other sources say 1938. TAYLOR, William Hurley (I22)
819 Twin with Abraham; they were baptized January 5, 1681at the New York City Dutch Reformed Church [sponsors Jan Pietersen, Joost Ryckuyt, Lysbeth Lubbertse and Gerrit and Claertis Leydecker]. Thus they were probably born in Dec. 1680 although their frailty as twins may have meant they were born in 1681 and baptized almost immediately.

Isaac was the ancestor of Jean Van Tuyl Elliot of Alexandria Virginia whom Gene Taylor met on an trip and who supplied him with the sources cited in much of the Van Tuyl material.

In Isaac's will three sons are mentioned, Isaac, Abraham and John.... Abraham went over into New Jersey and settled in Bernard's Township in Somerset County. His 12 children were born in the years beginning with 1734-- Hiram Orvis Van Tuyl 
VAN TUYL, Isaac (I612)
820 Twin with Isaac; they were baptized January 5, 1681at the New York City Dutch Reformed Church [sponsors Jan Pietersen, Joost Ryckuyt, Lysbeth Lubbertse and Gerrit and Claertis Leydecker]. Thus they were probably born in Dec. 1680 although their frailty as twins may have meant they were born in 1681 and baptized almost immediately. VAN TUYL, Abraham (I613)
821 Uncle Othel was one of my favorites. He always had a sense of humor and related well to kids. I wish I knew more about him. He apparently did not have very much education. He was always very thin and smoked a great deal, a fact that contributed to his death from lung cancer. He also had a propensity to go on alcoholic "benders." He apparently had one at the time I had meningitis. Kathryn was planning to come to help out, but had to stay home to sort him out.
I can remember, even as a child, wondering how Kathryn and Othel had met, what made them marry, and what kept them together because they had such differing interests. He loved to go fishing while the symphony was her thing; he liked pops; she loved classical music; she was serious; he loved to kid around. Why didn't they have children? They were both quite good with children.

"Funeral Rites Here for O.V. Mitchell
"Funeral services for Othel V. Mitchell, 52, formerly of Palmyra were held Wednesday afternoon at Lewis Brothers Funeral home, with the Rev. W.E. Sutterfield pastor of the First Baptist church in charge.
"Mrs Wayne Buckwalter was vocalist with Mrs. G.B. Lewis at the piano.
"Pallbearers were Dallis Gosn[?]ey, Dick Crane, Lynn Hutcherson, John B. White, William Owsley, Jr. and Albert Durand.
"Mr. Mitchell passed away at 8[?]:15 Monday morning, May 9, at Barnes hospital in St. Louis. He had been in ill health for several months and submitted to lung surgery in April.
"The only child of A.S. and Minnie Loudermilk Mitchell, he was born January 4, 1903. He attended local schools and for a number of years he was associated with his father in a garage and bus enterprise here.
"About 10 years ago, he moved to St. Louis.
"He was married to Miss Catherine [sic.] Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Taylor of Palmyra, who survives. Miss Nannie Loudermilk of Palmyra is an an aunt.
"His mother preceded him in death in May, 1935, and his father died February 12, 1944." -- Palmyra Spectator, May 12, 1955. 
MITCHELL, Othel V. (I7)
822 Undated clipping from the Palmyra Spectator:
"MCKAY -- YEAGER -- Married at the residence of the bride's parents in this county, on the 30th ult.. Mr. J.S. McKay of Taylor, Mo. and Miss Ella Yeager. The best wishes of SPECTATOR follow the young couple." 
Family F432
823 Undated clipping from the Palmyra Spectator:
"TAYLOR -- BLISS --At St. Francesville, Mo. March 9, 1887, Mr. Joshua T. Taylor, of Marion County, and Miss Mattie A. Bibb, of Clark county, Eld W.D., Cave of Kahoka, officiating.
Friend Josh has certainly plucked one of Clark's brightest gems, and many are wishing them a happy journey through this world and a bright glory in the next. 
Family F19
824 Unmarried STEPHENS, Peter (I1477)
825 Unmarried; died in Buncombe county, N.C. aged 106 -- The Underwood family in America, p. 562

"South Carolina
"Pickens District) Personally appeared before me in the court of ordinary Thomas Fitzgerald who being duly sworn on his oath saith that he is well acquainted with the tract of land the late residence of Joseph Underwood Deceased and it is not worth one thousand Dollars. And further testifies that it would in his opinion be for the advantage of the Legatees to sell the same for distribution among the Heirs. Sworn to and subscribed before me the 7th day of October 1835 and signed by
Witnessed by Thomas Fitzgerald
Elisha King Jas. H. Dendy O.P.D.

October 7, 1835. Benjamin King applicant
John Davenport
Elizabeth [Russell] Lewis (widow) of Charles Lewis Decd.
Heirs of John Whitesides Deceased
George Russell Mary Kelly
Joseph King Samuel King
Jonathan King
Lettie Guffie or Griffin? or Heirs. Defendants

"Bill for partition or sale of the Real Estate of Joseph Underwood Decd. Vizt. one tract of land situate in Pickens Dist. waters of Cane Creek, containing 500 Acres more or less, part of which was orginally granted to John C. Kilpatrick and the other part to Jesse Nevill. After advertizing 8 weeks in the Messenter for Absent Legatees all being absent and without the limits of our state and on due Examination it is ordered and decreed that the tract of 500 Acres of land as above described of which Joseph Underwood died seized & possessed, be sold by the sheriff of Pickens District on the first monday of January next or on such other sale day as shall be most for the advantage of the parties in Interest, on a Credit of Twelve months, the purchaser giving Bond and good security & a mortgage of the premises if deemed necessary, to the ordinary for the payment of the purchase money.
December 7th 1835
Jas. H. Dendy O.P.D. (LS)"

I am not sure that I have put the above document with the proper person. However, it would seem to be the only Joseph Underwood with which it would fit and whose heirs would be the people listed above. What was our Joseph Underwood who supposedly lived and died in North Carolina doing with property and house in South Carolina? The fact that he was unmarried would result in so many distant heirs. -- LKL 
UNDERWOOD, Joseph (I2071)
826 Unmarried. Age at death was 72 years--JET MCLEOD, Elisha P. (I259)
827 Unnamed son, died Feb 13, 1841 -- Hale CARSON, Unknown (I1308)
828 Unsure of spelling of first name. Data copied by JET in a shaky hand. COOPER, Merlo (I1521)
829 was 21 years old on Nov, 10, 1864 -- Myra Compton Allnutt ?Was this her birthday or date of a letter? -LKL MERRILL, Margaret E. (I962)
830 Was a legatee in father's will in 1725. -- Painter Ancestry, p. 3. STRATTAN, Jacob (I1641)
831 Was a Revolutionary War soldier -- Heritage of Henderson Co. N.C. CLARK, Samuel (I2070)
832 Was a witness to the will of Lawrence Stephens, his uncle by marriage EMMITT, John (I1475)
833 Was he named for the Joseph A. Painter, 1847-1864 who was killed in the Confederate Army in the engagement of Early's Troops with Sheridan's at Cedar Creek?? Information found in Painter Family, p. 38 PAINTER, Joseph Andrews (I1678)
834 Was he the son of Rev. Elisha Phelps, d. May 12 1815 per grave marker in the Old Methodest Cemetery in Stephens City? PHELPS, Rev. Richard (I299)
835 Was in Colonel John Tipton's company of Militia. --- O'Dell. Over the Misty Blue Hills, p. 103 BRAGG, Joseph (I985)
836 Was married at least 3 times. It is impossible to tell which of the first two wives were the mothers of which children, although John was probably the son of the first wife, R. Ridgeway. Presumably there were no children from the third marriage. In 1809 he deeded lands to his four sons, John, Jacob, Jesse, and Asa. The wording of the deeds makes it clear that Rebecca is not the mother of the four sons MCKAY, Jacob (I810)
837 Was named as heir in will of her uncle, Benjamin Warfield, March 22, 1717/18, and was to receive personalty [sic.] at the age of sixteen years. (Wills, Liber 14, Folio 171) -- Newmann YATES, Mary (I1194)
838 Was named in his father's will and may also have gone to Virginia -- Painter Ancestry, p. 4 STRATTAN, Mark (I1664)
839 Was on the 1759 rent rolls in Va. Lived in Burke (Caldwell) Co. N.C., 1761-1784 and Washington Co. NC/TN 1790. WHITSON, Thomas (I1224)
840 was one of 13 children and author of The Lewis Family in America. -- The Lewis Family in America, p. 258 LEWIS, William Terrell (I2090)
841 Was presumably born at his parents' plantation home about 1674. His share of his father's estate, according to the will of 1691 consisted of half of the 700 acres of the tract, "Yates His Forbearance," on the north shore of the Patapsco River in Baltimore Co. along with the entire tract of "Forbearance," 140 acres lying in the falls of the Patapsco on the south bank which was then in Baltimore Co.
George Yate, II lived on "Yates his Forbearance" before he patented "Contrivance" in 1706. This latter plantation was his dwelling plantation and his residence at the time of his death.
Besides being a planter in the productive and affluent section of Elk Ridge, George Yate II also operated a brick yard with his friend Edward Teall.
On July 5, 1712, George conveyed to John Israel, of Baltimore Co. his portion of "Yeates His Forbearance," that is 382 acres which he had inherited by the will of his parent. No wife waived dower.
It was stated without documentary evidence that his wife Rachel died during the year 1709. From the above conveyance, it is evident that she had died by 1712.
He married, secondly, Ruth _____ who survived him. This second wife, shortly after George Yate II's death, married again to Joseph Ary, who became co-executor with her of her first husband's estate. From the records, it would appear that they were not good administrators. -- Paraphrased from Newmann's Yates Family Data, p. 9 
YATES, George II (I1186)
842 Was still living in 1856 when he reported his brother Elisha's death. -- Frederick County, Virginia death registry, 1853-1870, p. 6. CARSON, James H. (I336)
843 Was still living in 1956 according to the obituary of Jefferson Davis Triplett. Called "Maudie" in obituary of Eliza Catherine. TRIPLETT, Maud (I530)
844 Was widow of John Skeele or Skeil and had children by him who were orphans for whose support Mary Whitson was taxed. SWILLIVANT, Elizabeth (I1256)
845 Washington Co. NC WHITSON, Thomas (I1224)
846 Well Known Fabius Woman Dies -- Obit from unknown source, presumed to be Palmyra Spectator.
"Mrs Kate Carson, a well known resident of Fabius community passed away at her home near Bethel Tues Morning at 10:30 o'clock following an illness of about five days. She was 87 years and 9 months of age.
"Miss Catherine Kern was born May 5, 1847, a daughter of the late Jacob and Mary Stover Kern of Shenancoah county, Virginia, and came to this state when a small child, locating in Fabius community where the family was prominent. On September 14, 1870 she was married to E.J. Carson, also a native of Virginia, and son of John and Sarah Carson, early settlers of Mariou county. Her husband passed away October 9, 1912.
"Surviving Mrs. Carson are nine children, Mrs. Frank Gash, Fabius community, James carson of Canada, Frank Carson of Lewistown, Montana; Clyde Carson of San Francisco, Calif; George Carson of Eureka, Calif.; Mrs. L.F. Morriss of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Sam Carson of Fabius community, Harry Carson of Philadelphia and Elmer Carson of Palmyra. A brother J.S. Kern of Vandalia, passed away about ten days ago.
"Funeral services will be held at the Bethel Baptist church Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev H.M. Hunt conducting the services. Burial will be made in the Bethel Cemetery.

Her name is variously spelled with a C or a K 
KERN, Catherine (I337)
847 Were Jared and Thomas twins? or did Ms. Bond have one or the other dates confused? Note that Jared's Bible, as quoted in Tyler's Quarterly, lists his date as 1766.

"The History of Western Maryland [by J. Thomas Scharf, Phila. v. I, p. 279] chronicles under the Heading: 'Montgomery County Representative Men' the following sketch, and it seems a bit strange in that Jared Williams although born in Montgomery County, Maryland, had removed with his family to Virginia when a lad of 13 or 14 years:
"'Jared Williams was born in Montgomery County, Md, March 4th, 1766 and died in Frederick County, Va. Jan 2d, 1831. He was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates in 1811 and served several terms. He was a representative in Congress from Virginia from 1819 to 1825; Presidential Elector in 1820, and voted for General Jackson and was appointed by the Electoral College to transmit the vote to Washington.'
"Jared Williams married Martha Carson on May, 27th 1790. He is said to have lived near Front Royal, Va., from the time of his marriage until 1800, when he removed to the farm given him by his father near Stevens City. Here he resided until his death on Jan. 2, 1831. He was a Jeffersonian Democrat in politics and an 'old school Baptist' in religion. His horseback trip to Washington with the record of the vote of the Electoral College for General Jackson as President is noted in all biographical sketches of him.
"His children were 10 [12] in number." There follows a list copied from the Jared Williams family Bible -- Goodnight, Scott H. and Gertrude H. "The Ancestry of the Nicholas Pitman Family; Williams Line," Tyler's Quarterly Magazine. n.v., n.d., p321. 
WILLIAMS, Jared (I665)
848 Wesley Knowles Thompson lists dob as 1714 in Charles County Md. and dod as 1787 -- FamilyTreeMaker.com HOWARD, Rachel (I390)
849 Who is this Susannah Ives? Surely he did not marry his mother-in-law!! IVES, Susanna (I1733)
850 Wife unknown. Died testate in Virginia

"Court records show him to have been a minor in 1744, with the privilege of selection his own guardian. An orphan in Virginia was allowed to choose his own guardian at the age of fourteen, and in such instances a boy was declared to be able to manage his own estate at the age to eighteen. Therefore, at the death of his father in 1743, George Yates IV was more than fourteen years of age but less than eighteen years. His birth, therefore, occurred sometime between the years of 1728 and 1730. He was born, evidently, in or about the year 1728 in Caroline County, Va.
"George Yates IV chose, in court on Feb 10, 1743, William Conner to act as his guardian, which was approved by the court. in 1747, it appears George Yates IV was still a minor but had the right to join his guardian in a court petition.
"On April 13, 1758, George Yates was commissioned a Lieutenant of the Colonial Militia of the County. On Aug. 8, 1765, George Yates was commissioned a Captain of the Militia.
"George Yates IV died testate on Caroline County sometime prior to Dec. 11, 1777. His will was admitted to probate during the court session of March 1778, but the records at that time did not record the names of the executors, but they do state 'executrix and executors.' The natural conclusion is that the executrix was his widow, but the court book failing to record the name we thus lose another opportunity of obtaining the first name of his wife and widow.
"From a court order book of March 1778, it is learned that Michael Yates and John Yates are two of the Executors.
"At the October term of the court, in 1781, William Yates, orphan son of George Yates IV, 'made choice of Michael Yates for his guardian.' Also at the same term of court, in October, 1781, it was recorded that 'Benjamin Winn is appointed by the Court [as] Guardian of Molly, George, and Warner Yates, orphans of George Yates, IV dec'd.'" -- Newmann. p. 13

LKL wonders what happened to the orphans between 1778 and 1781? Were they under the care of their mother who then died around 1781? 
YATES, George IV (I1167)

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