Taylor Family Genealogy
Anna Maria MERKLIN
1687 - 1739 (51 years)-
Name Anna Maria MERKLIN [1] Born 16 Jan 1687 Bonfeld, Neckerland Germany [2] Gender Female Died 1739 Frederick Co., Va. [1] Person ID I1395 Josh E. Taylor Jr. Tree Last Modified 1 Nov 2019
Father Abraham MERKLE, b. 1 Mar 1664, Bonfeld, Neckerland Germany Relationship natural Mother Anna Veronica UNKNOWN Relationship natural Married 27 Feb 1684 [1] Family ID F538 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Hans Justice Jost HITE, b. 5 Dec 1685, Bonfeld, Neckerland Germany , d. Between 1760 and 1761, Frederick Co., Va (Age 74 years) Married Between 1706 and 1707 Holland [2] Children 1. Mary HITE, b. Abt 1708, Holland , d. Shenandoah Co. Va. [natural] 2. John HITE, b. 1710, Kingston, NY , d. 1792, Frederick Co., Va. (Age 82 years) [natural] 3. Elizabeth HITE, b. 1711, Kingston, N.Y. [natural] 4. Magdalena HITE, b. 1713, Kingston, N. Y. [natural] 5. Jacob HITE [natural] 6. Isaac HITE, b. 1723, Pennsylvania , d. 1795 (Age 72 years) [natural] 7. Abraham HITE, b. 10 May 1729, d. 17 Jan 1790, Kentucky (Age 60 years) [natural] 8. Joseph HITE, b. 1731, Pennsylvania , d. 1757, Frederick Co., Va (Age 26 years) [natural] Last Modified 1 Nov 2019 Family ID F530 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Notes - "Hite (said by many to be a baron) was a wealthy nobleman, born in Strasbourg, Alsace, Germany, who sold his ancestral estates and fled to Holland because of religious persecution. There he married Anna Maria DuBois, daughter of Louis Du Bois, a French Huguenot, and refugee to Holland from Wicres. He was a kinsman of Louis Du Bois (b. 1626, d. 1695), one of the founders of New Paltz, who led an expedition against Indians in 1663; was in Colonial Forces against Indians in 1670; and was a descendant of Macquaire DuBois, Count De Roussy, A.D. 1110. [There is controversy about the identity of Hite's wife. Jones, Connor, & West in their 'German Origins of Jost Hite' state that Hite's wife was Anna Maria Merkle] -- Marian Saunders Bond. Some ancesters.
This information about Hite's orgins and his wife's names would seem to be incorrect in view of recent researches by Henry Z. Jones, Ralph Connor, and ____ West.
"Bonfeld records state Anna Maria Merckle, daughter of Anna Veronica _____ (m. 1684), was born Jan 16, 1687; married Johan Justus Heyd, linenweaver, Nov. 11, 1704. This is documented. Reports that Anna Maria was a Du Bois seem to be undocumented.
"Descendants of the Merckley (Mercklin) family, known in America as Markley, had traced their ancestors to Bonfeld and showed Anna Maria on their; 'Stammtafel der Familie Merckle;' they did not show her married name this was discovered by Jones and his collaborators who also found the following information on Jost Hite's parents." [for parental information see their notes] -- Hite Family Newsletter, Fall 1993, p. 1
- "Hite (said by many to be a baron) was a wealthy nobleman, born in Strasbourg, Alsace, Germany, who sold his ancestral estates and fled to Holland because of religious persecution. There he married Anna Maria DuBois, daughter of Louis Du Bois, a French Huguenot, and refugee to Holland from Wicres. He was a kinsman of Louis Du Bois (b. 1626, d. 1695), one of the founders of New Paltz, who led an expedition against Indians in 1663; was in Colonial Forces against Indians in 1670; and was a descendant of Macquaire DuBois, Count De Roussy, A.D. 1110. [There is controversy about the identity of Hite's wife. Jones, Connor, & West in their 'German Origins of Jost Hite' state that Hite's wife was Anna Maria Merkle] -- Marian Saunders Bond. Some ancesters.