Taylor Family Genealogy


Male 1746 - 1815  (68 years)

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  • Name John JOHNS  [1, 2, 3, 4
    Born 14 Oct 1746  Goochland Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Gender Male 
    Died 1815  Buckingham Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Person ID I2232  Josh E. Taylor Jr. Tree
    Last Modified 1 Nov 2019 

    Father William JOHNS,   b. Abt 1708, King William Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Abt 1787, Buckingham Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 79 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother Ann MERRYMAN,   b. Abt 1712, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Aft 1757, Albemarle Co. or Buckingham Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 46 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Married Abt 1729  Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Family ID F795  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Elizabeth GLOVER,   b. 30 Oct 1749, Albemarle Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 16 Jun 1784, Buckingham Co. VA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 34 years) 
    Married 28 Feb 1765  Buckingham Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Last Modified 1 Nov 2019 
    Family ID F794  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • [johns file.FTW]

      JOHN JOHNS was High Sheriff of Buckingham Co., Va. from 1784 to 1785. (Wil liam & Mary Quarterly, Vol. 12, pg. 172)

      Published in the Virginia Gazette, 1 June 1775:
      Taken up, in Buckingham, a bay horse, 4 feet 6 inches high, 3 years old th is spring, branded on the near buttock and on the off buttock, with a st ar in his forehead, has on a small bell, which is marked and tied on wi th a stirrup leather. Posted, and appraised to 10L.

      The following are from the Buckingham Co. VA Land Tax Summaries.

      JOHN JOHNS was on the Buckingham Co. tax rolls from 1782-1814. He was lis ted as "Gentleman" in 1788 and as "Senior" in 1813.

      1795 JOHN JOHNS, John Epperson, Thomas Walker and Glover Johns bought 1 00 acres from Hopkins.

      1806 JOHN JOHNS bought 100 acres from Epperson and Walker.

      1800 JOHN JOHNS sold 400 acres to Glover Johns

      1806 JOHN JOHNS sold 200 acres to William Johns

      1807 JOHN JOHNS sold 220 acres to Samuel Johns

      1813-14 JOHN JOHNS' residence was on the Buckingham Road, adjacent to Glo ver Johns.

      1815 JOHN JOHNS owned 459 acres of land adjacent to Samuel Johns and Jam es Gilliam

      1815 JOHN JOHNS sold 100 acres to Peter Francisco

      1816 The will of JOHN JOHNS gave 459 acres adjacent to Samuel Johns to Jo hn Johns, Jr.

      In November 2002, I received an e-mail from Russ Peck of Nashville, TN. Ru ss is a descendant of Mary "Polly" Johns Thompson, daughter of Elizabeth G over and JOHN JOHNS. In Russ' possession were documents which had pass ed down and had been preserved by the ancestors of Mary Johns Thompson. In cluded in these documents was a copy of the Last Will and Testament of Jo hn Johns. This document is of immense importance, as the copy placed in to probate in 1815 was destroyed when the Buckingham County court house b urned in 1869. Until now, John Johns' LWT was considered a lost documen t. My sincere thanks to Russ and his father, Earsel Elliott Peck, for sha ring their family papers and for allowing me to post them. I have transcri bed the Last Will and Testament from a copy of the original. (Bob Newsom e, December 2002)

      The Last Will and Testament of JOHN JOHNS was signed on 29 April 1815 a nd was placed into probate in Buckingham Co., Virginia on 12 June 1815.

      I, JOHN JOHNS of Buckingham County, do hereby make my last will and testam ent in the manner and form following, that is to say:

      1st: I desire that all my past debts should be paid.

      2nd: I give to my son John Johns all my tract of land whereon I now liv e, lying in the county of Buckingham, except a small parcel of land lyi ng on the east side of the road leading to Williams Jones' mill, adjoini ng the New Store tract, which small parcel of land I give to my son-in-l aw William Thompson.

      3rd: I give to my son Anthony Johns the tract of land whereon my son Jo hn Johns now lives, to be laid off on the north and south sides of the ma in road, containing two hundred and sixteen acres, the title to be made fr om John Johns and William Thompson. The land to be laid off, beginni ng at the upper end, or brickyard, and coming down both sides of the ro ad until you to get ____ above named.

      4th: I give to my two daughters Martha Cock and Sarah Crawford one hundr ed pounds each, to be raised from the sale of part of my estate.

      5th: I give to my daughter Judith Cock two negroes (to wit) Sellar and Jan e.

      6th: I give to my daughter Elizabeth Wood, Phebey and her child Eda, al so a feather bed and furniture.

      7th: I give to my son-in-law William Thompson two hundred and sixty six po unds, which I have paid toward the purchase of the New Store tract of la nd from Peter Francisco. Also I give to him all claim, either in bon ds or open account, which I have against him.

      8th: I give in trust to my son Glover Johns and John Gilliam, for the bene fit of my daughter Polly Thompson and the heirs of her body, during her na tural life, the following negroes, to wit, Biddy, Darcus, Hannah, Sam, To m, Jane and John. It's my wish also after the decease of my daughter Pol ly Thompson, if she dies before William Thompson, that the above trust a nd negroes should be continued for the benefit of William Thompson duri ng his natural life. I also give to my daughter Polly Thompson one feath er bed and furniture.

      9th: I give to my daughter Nancy Johns, six negroes, to wit, Flora, Bo b, Sarah, Lucy, Paulina, and Abba, Flora's mother. Also two feather beds a nd furniture of her own choice and all the sheets, ____, curtains, tab le clothes, which she may claim as her own manufacture. The furniture whi ch has generally set in her room, including half dozen Windsor chairs, al so the gig and choice of my ____, also all my silver plate to be divided w ith her sisters Polly Thompson and Elizabeth Wood.

      10th: I give to my son Gover Johns, two negroes, Frank and Joe.

      11th: I give to my son Samuel Johns, one negro, Allie, a feather bed and f urniture.

      12th: I give to my son John Johns one negro: Savory.

      13th: I give to my granddaughter Elizabeth Thompson one negro boy, Carter.

      14th: I give to my grandson Edmund G. Johns, son of William Johns, two hun dred dollars, and to my son William Johns, five dollars.

      15th: I give to my son Glover Johns and Samuel Johns and my daughter Pol ly Thompson, four negroes, Fordy, Sam, Nancy and Abba, to be divided as th ey may agree. not parting man and wife, my will and desire is the above ne groes to be well treated during life.

      16th: The amount of the bond executed by William Thompson and John Joh ns to Lewis Wilkinson, now in the possession of Samuel Johns, to be paid o ut of my estate, it being a balance due from me for the purchase of la nd I gave to my son Anthony Johns.

      17th: The residue of my estate I wish sold, debts and monied legacies ____ ___. The balance of my estate ___ provided ____ away to be divided equal ly between my three daughters, Nancy Johns, Polly Thompson and Elizabeth W ood.

      18th: If the residue of my estate should not be sufficient to pay my deb ts and specific money legacies, my will and desire is that each legatee sh ould bear their proportionable part, except my daughter Judith Cock.

      19th: The present crop I desire to be finished, the hands and other ____ t hing to finish the crop to remain until the same is completed in due time.

      20th: And lastly. I do hereby constitute and appoint my three sons, Glove r, Anthony and John Johns and my sons-in-law William Thompson and Edmund W ood executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all t he other or former wills or testaments by me heretofore made. In witness w hereof I have hereon to set my hand and affixed my seal, this 29th d ay of April 1815.

      JOHN JOHNS (Seal)

      Signed and sealed in the presence of:
      John S. Mills
      P. H. Anderson
      Thomas C. Armstrong

      At a court held for Buckingham County the 12th day of June 1815:

      This will was proved by the oaths of John S. Mills and P. H. Anderson, t wo of the witnesses and sworn to by Glover Johns one of the executors ther ein named and is ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of the said exe cutor who enters into and acknowledges a bond with security according to l aw, certificate is granted him for attaining a probate thereof in due form .

      Teste: Rolfe Eldridge, C. C.

  • Sources 
    1. [S22] Bob Newsome (JRN2217@aol.com).

    2. [S32] Diary of John Jay Johns b. 1818.

    3. [S130] Russ Peck (2thetower@comcast.net).

    4. [S73] johns file.FTW.
      Date of Import: Apr 5, 2009