Taylor Family Genealogy


Male Abt 1744 - 1800  (~ 56 years)

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  • Name Jesse JOHNS  [1, 2
    Born Abt 1744  King William Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Gender Male 
    Died 1800  Campbell Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Person ID I2240  Josh E. Taylor Jr. Tree
    Last Modified 1 Nov 2019 

    Father William JOHNS,   b. Abt 1708, King William Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Abt 1787, Buckingham Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 79 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother Ann MERRYMAN,   b. Abt 1712, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Aft 1757, Albemarle Co. or Buckingham Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 46 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Married Abt 1729  Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Family ID F795  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • [johns file.FTW]

      JESSE JOHNS, son of William and Ann Johns, was born in King William Co ., VA or possibly in Caroline Co., VA. He spent his early years in Goochl and, Albemarle and Buckingham Counties, VA. He was listed on the 1773 a nd 1774 Tithe List in Buckingham Co., VA, and was still living in Buckingh am Co. in 1783 when he filed a Public Service Claim. In 1784 he purchas ed land in Campbell Co., VA and appeared on the Campbell County Personal P roperty Tax list in 1787. JESSE JOHNS died in Campbell County early in t he year 1800, as his Last Will and Testament was signed 13 Jan 1800 and w as placed into probate on 14 Apr 1800.

      Documents that mention JESSE JOHNS:

      Published in the Virginia Gazette by JESSE JOHNS, 11 May 1769:
      "Taken up in Buckingham, a dark bay horse, 9 or 10 years old, with a hangi ng maine and switch tail, paces slow, is very dull, and branded on the ne ar buttock IW in a piece; posted, and appraised to 5l."

      JESSE JOHNS served in the 14th Virginia Regiment during the Revolutiona ry War.

      Public Service Claim for JESSE JOHNS for provisions provided to the Contin ental Army during the Revolutionary War:

      1 AUG 1783- JESSE JOHNS of Buckingham Co., VA for food and supplies furnis hed.

      The courthouse in Buckingham Co., VA burned in the mid1800s, but the follo wing tax record shows that JESSE JOHNS sold land in Buckingham Co. to h is brother William Johns in 1794. This was probably land that he inherit ed from the estate of his father, William Johns, Sr., of Buckingham County :

      1794- JESSE JOHNS sold 300 acres of land in Buckingham Co., VA to Willi am Johns in 1794. (Buckingham Land Tax Summaries)


      4 APR 1799- JESSE JOHNS Campbell County VA, received a LAND PATENT for 1 80 acres on east branches of Little Falling river, Grants No. 42, 1798-9 9, pg. 318. (VA State Library Web Site)


      5 Feb 1784- Peter Terrell of Campbell Co. to JESSE JOHNS for 300 poun ds of Virginia money, a 199 acre plantation on both sides of Little Falli ng River where Peter Terrell now lives. Land bound by Samuel Morris's li ne and William Jordan's line. (Deed Book 1, pg. 224)

      3 Jul 1793- JESSE JOHNS of Campbell Co. to Thomas Olliver of Charlotte Co ., a Negro woman named Jane for 52 pounds and 10 shillings. Witnesses: R o. Alexander, J. Adams, Owen Franklin, Bourne Price. (Deed Book 3, pg. 436 )

      1 Feb 1795- JESSE JOHNS of Campbell Co. to George Jude of Campbell Co. f or 50 pounds, a parcel of land on both sides of Little Falling River conta ining 46 acres, more or less. Robert Alexander, teste. (Deed Book 3, p g. 491)

      20 Aug 1797- JESSE JOHNS to George Jude for 100 pounds, a parcel of la nd on the east side of Little Falling River, containing 54 acres, mo re or less. Land bound by Jude's line. Witnesses: John Fore, Samuel Jorda n, Matthew Jordan, Charles Martin. (Deed Book 4, pg. 373)

      24 Dec 1799- Sarah Johns, wife of JESSE JOHNS, does relinquish all dower r ights to a 54 acre tract of land sold by her husband to George Ju de on 20 Aug 1797. This tract of land lies on the east side of Little Fall ing River. Witness: John Irvine and David G. Talbot. Robert Alexander, te ste. (Deed Book 5, pg. 91)

      24 Dec 1799- Sarah Johns, wife of JESSE JOHNS, does relinquish all dower r ights to a 46 acre tract of land sold by her husband to George Jude on 1 F eb 1795. This tract of land lie on both sides of Little Falling River. Wit nesses: John Irving and David G. Talbot. Robert Alexander, teste. (Deed Bo ok 5, pg. 92)


      17 Oct 1804- Sarah Johns, Charles Walker and his wife Ann, Stephen Johns a nd his wife Sarah, Charles Martin and his wife Locky, Elisha Brumfield a nd his wife Synthie, Jesse Johns, Prisciller Johns, Daniel Johns and Magda lene Johns, all of Campbell Co. for $500 current money, a 102 acre parc el of land on both side of Little Falling River. Bound by Matthew W. Weave r's line, Jenning's line, Morris' corner, and up the branch to another bra nch on the south side of the road to Mrs. Johns' line. Signed by the abo ve parties. Witness: John Organ, Herod Rees, Edmund Johns, George Cock, Wi lliam W. Weaver, George Jude, Jr., all of Campbell Co. Robert Alexander, t este. (Deed Book 7, pg. 1)

      9 Feb 1807- Charles Walker, Charles Martin and his wife Lockey, John S. Jo nes and his wife Magdaline, Elisha Brumfield and his wife Synthia, Jesse J ohns, Thomas Prather and his wife Priscilla, all of Campbell Co., and Dani el Johns and his wife Mary of Cumberland Co. to Pleasant Jennings for 2 60 pounds, a 230 acre parcel of land in Campbell Co., on both sides of Lit tle Falling River. The land is bound by John Morris's line and Weaver's li ne. Signed by the above parties. Robert Alexander, teste. (Deed Book 8, p g. 49)
      [Note: This deed shows that Sarah Sanders Johns, widow of JESSE JOHNS, a nd Stephen Sanders Johns and Ann Johns Walker, children of JESSE JOHNS, we re deceased by 9 Feb 1807, as they were not included in this settleme nt of JESSE JOHNS' estate.]

      WILL BOOK 1, PAGE 430:

      In the name of God Amen I JESSE JOHNS of Campbell County being weak in bo dy but of sound mind and memory do hereby make constitute and ordain th is my last will and testament disannulling and revoking all others heretof ore made by me and knowing that it is allotted for all men once to die I r ecommend my body to the Earth and my spirit to God who gave it and as f or what worldly Estate I possess I dispose of in manner and form following .

      In Primus I lend unto my beloved wife Sarah Johns during her natural li fe the land and plantation I now live on on Little Falling River in the co unty above mentioned with all the appurtenances there unto belonging. My f urther will and desire is that my beloved wife Sarah Johns shall enjoy t he use and privilege of all the personal Estate I am now possessed of with out any interruption during her natural life as above mentioned. My furth er will and desire is that after the death of my beloved wife Sarah Joh ns the whole of my Estate both real and personable be equally divided amo ng my beloved children, viz, Stephen Johns, Nancy Walker, Locky Martin, Sy nthia Johns, Jesse Johns Junr., Prisyla Johns, Daniel Johns and Magdala ne Johns and in order to make an equal division among my beloved childr en my further desire is that what property I have let those of my belov ed children have that has married be considered as my Estate and to be acc ounted for by valuation or otherwise so that each one may have an equal pr oportion of the Estate above mentioned to them and their heirs forever, a nd I do hereby appoint my beloved wife Sarah Johns, my beloved son Jesse J ohns Junr, Charles Walker and George Jude Executrix and Executors of th is my last will and testament revoking and disannulling all other wills be fore made by me as witness my hand and seal this thirteenth day of Janua ry One Thousand and Eight Hundred. Jesse Johns Senr.
      Signed: JESSE JOHNS

      J. Morris
      Edward Douglass
      Jesse Cobbs

      At a Court held for Campbell County April 14th 1800:
      The within last will and testament of Jesse Johns Senr. deceased was prov ed By the oath of John Morris a witness whose name is thereunto subscrib ed and at A Court held for the said County the 9th day of June following t he same was further proved by the oath of Edward Douglass another of the w itnesses whose name there unto subscribed and ordered to be recorded a nd in the motion of Sarah Johns the Executrix and Jesse Johns Junr. and Ch arles Walker two of the Executors in the said will named who made oath the re by according to Law certificate is granted them for obtaining probate t hereby in due form giving security. Where upon they together with Willist on Talbot, William Marshall and John Irvine their securities entered in to and acknowledged their bond in a penalty of five thousand dollars condi tioned of the Law directs for the said Executors do and faithfully adminis tration of the said decedent's Estate and performance of his will. Liber ty being reserved the other Executor in the said will named to join in t he probate there of when he shall think fit.
      Teste, Ro. Alexander, C.C.C.

  • Sources 
    1. [S22] Bob Newsome (JRN2217@aol.com).

    2. [S73] johns file.FTW.
      Date of Import: Apr 5, 2009