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Descendants of Rev. Edmund Johns of Campbell County, VA, please be aware t hat incorrect information about Rev. Johns was submitted many years a go to the William and Mary Quarterly. Rev. Edmund Johns was not the s on of John Johns and his wife Elizabeth of Buckingham County, VA. Nor w as his middle name "Winston."
Mrs. Willie Parrish of Roanoke, a descendant of Rev. Johns, submitted t he family records from the bible of John Johns of Buckingham County to t he Quarterly. She said that she copied the bible records verbatim, howev er she later admitted, in a letter to a descendant of John Johns, that s he sent altered information to the William and Mary Quarterly. Her ancest or, Rev. Edmund Johns, was not listed in the bible as a child of John a nd Elizabeth Johns of Buckingham County. She added his name. She also st ated the bible recorded the maiden name of Elizabeth, wife of John John s, as Winston and that she was the daughter of Judge Edmund Winston of Buc kingham County. Again, she added this information. It does not appe ar in the John Johns bible. The bible gives no information about the maid en name, or family, of Elizabeth. Elizabeth, wife of John Johns, was a Gl over (daughter of Samuel and Judith Benning Glover) as proved by informati on which surfaced in the 1990s from the old Glover bible (now located in t he historical collection of the Owingsville Kentucky library.)
Mrs. Parrish also created the middle name "Winston" for Rev. Johns. Perha ps she did this in an attempt to confirm a link with Judge Edmund Winst on of Buckingham County. There is no link. Rev. Johns was not a descenda nt of the Winston family. In addition, no records have been found which g ive an initial, much less a middle name (Winston or otherwise) for the Re v. Edmund Johns. This was all a fabrication by Mrs. Parrish.
Rev. Edmund Johns was the son of William Johns of Buckingham County, as pr oved by a 1785 deed in Campbell County, VA. He was, therefore, the young er brother, and not the son, of John Johns of Buckingham County. The na me of Rev. Johns' mother is unknown. It is possible that her maiden na me was Hobson.
Bob Newsome
Deeds in Campbell County, VA that mention EDMUND JOHNS:
10 Jan 1785: From William Johns to EDMUND JOHNS," for the love I have f or the said Edmund", 400 acres of land in Buckingham County, VA, adjoini ng Christian Staples and Dillard on the south side of the James River, tog ether with 4 negroes named Harry, Chloe, Henry and Frederick, 2 horse s, 12 cattle, 30 hogs and all my household furniture.
Signed: William Johns
Witnesses: Thos. Jones, Jesse Johns, Betty Jones.
Memorandum that the within named EDMUND JOHNS is to be a good and dutif ul son to both his father and mother, and not to let or see them want duri ng life, under the penalty of making the within deed void.
Signed: William Johns
Witnesses: Tho. Jones, Jesse Johns, Betty Jones.
Recorded: May 5, 1785
(Deed Book 2, pg. 46)
15 Apr 1785: From Thomas Jones and Betty, his wife of Campbell Co. to EDMU ND JOHNS, for 50 pounds, a 50 acres tract of land, bounded by the mou th of the Rockey Branch, Martins Road and adjoining Thomas Jones, Sr. a nd Falling River. Witnesses: Jesse Jones, Jesse Johns.
Recorded 5 May 1785.
(Deed Book 2, pg. 47)
10 Sep 1786: Sarah Simpson of Campbell Co. to EDMUND JOHNS of Campbell Cou nty, for 50 pounds, 100 acres in Campbell Co. on the main branch of Nak ed Creek. The land was conveyed to Sarah Simpson from John Dixon. Witness es: Jas. Miller, Jeremiah Rust, Jno. Reid, Thos. Reid.
Recorded 6 Apr. 1787.
(Deed Book 2, pg. 205)
7 Jun 1787: From James Hays and Elizabeth, his wife, of Campbell Co. to ED MUND JOHNS of Campbell Co., for 100 pounds, 300 acres on both sides of Pau ls Branch, adjoining John Beard, William Crease, Nicholas Hays, Alexand er Hunter and William Hays.
Recorded 7 Jun 1787.
(Deed Book 2, pg. 215)
6 Sep 1787: From EDUMUND JOHNS and Susannah, his wife, of Campbell C o. to Joseph Torrance of Campbell Co., for 50 pounds, 100 acres in Campbe ll Co. on the main branch of Naked Creek, being the tract of land convey ed to said JOHNS by Sarah Simpson by deed 10 Sep 1786.
Signed: EDMD. JOHNS and Susannah Johns.
Witnesses: John Patrick, Joel Terrell and Thos. Tucker.
Recorded: 6 Sep 1787.
(Deed Book 2, pg. 260)
3 Sep 1789: From EDMUND JOHNS of Campbell to Jesse Jones, for 80 pound s, 50 acres, bound by Rocky Branch, Martins Road, Thomas Jones, Sr., Big F alling River.
Witnesses: Owen Franklin, John Franklin, James Roberson.
Recorded: 3 Sep 1789.
(Deed Book 2, pg. 405)
EDMUND JOHNS was a Baptist minister in Campbell County, VA for 40 year s. He served Ebenezer Baptist Church and New Chapel Baptist Church. Fr om "Virginia Baptist Ministers," series 1, by James B. Taylor (publish ed in 1859).
Abstract of the Last Will and Testament of EDMUND JOHNS:
EDMUND JOHNS signed his Last Will on Testament on 20 January 1831, it w as placed into probate in Campbell Co., VA on 13 February 1837. The wi ll mentioned his wife Susannah, his son Edmund Johns, who received the "la nd I live on." Son, Hopson (sic) Johns "to hold trust for my daughter Ma ry Pannill." Also mentioned were: daughter, Elizabeth Johns; grandchildre n: Susannah Haden, Elizabeth Haden, Edmund Haden and Richard Haden. So ns William P. Johns and Hopson (sic) Johns were named as executors. Witnes ses: Matthew Martin, William G. Clarke and M. B. Clarke. (Campbell Co ., VA Will Book 8, pg. 103)
On 8 September 1845 an account of the estate of EDMUND JOHNS, deceased, w as submitted to the Campbell Co. Court. (William Johns and Hobson Johns h ad been the executors of the estate). The acccount mentioned: "burial exp enses and money paid to Edmund Johns, Jr. in 1837." Also "cash paid Eliza beth Johns, now Elizabeth Cock, for the hire of 4 negores in 1839-1840 ." (Campbell Co., VA Will Book 9, pg. 422)
The final settlement of the estate of EDMUND JOHNS may have been filed up on the death of his widow, Susannah Bullock Johns.