Taylor Family Genealogy


Male - 1777

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  • Name William VAUGHAN  [1
    Gender Male 
    Died 1777  Halifax Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Person ID I2326  Josh E. Taylor Jr. Tree
    Last Modified 1 Nov 2019 

    Family DOROTHY 
     1. William VAUGHAN,   b. Abt 1748, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Bef 1834, Halifax Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 85 years)  [natural]
     2. Drury VAUGHAN,   b. Abt 1750, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1827, Rutherford Co., TN Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 77 years)  [natural]
    Last Modified 1 Nov 2019 
    Family ID F806  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • [johns file.FTW]

      The Last Will and Testament of William Vaughan:

      In the Name of God, Amen. I, William Vaughan of Antrim Parish in Halifa x, planter, being not in bodily health, but in perfect memory, than ks be to Almighty God for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this mor tal life and that is appointed one to die; have thought through fit to ma ke this my last Will and Testament in form and mannor following:

      First to command my soul to God who gave it and my body to the ground fr om whence it was to ken, there to be buried in a decent and Christian li ke mannor at the descretion of my Executors, whom I shall named hereafte r, in hopes of a joyful resurection through Jesus Christ my savior; a nd as concerning my estatewith which it has pleased God to bless mewi th in this life. I give and bequith in form and mannor folling first I des ire that all
      my debts be paid together with all my funeral charges at a conveniant
      time after my decease.

      I lend to my beloved wife, Dorithy Vaughan my whole estate during widowho od & at her decease I give and
      bequeath to my son Drury Vaughan the land whereon I now live & a negro fel low named Dick forever and a negro wench named Frances and a negro girl na med Sillah forever, and a negro boy to his son, William, a named Dick.

      I give and bequeath to my daughter Milisend Bates, a negrofellow named B en and a negro girl named Edith forever.

      I give and bequeath to my daughter, Sarah Vaughan, a negro fellow named Br istol, a negro girl named Sarah and a black mare,forever, also a bed and f urniture.

      I give and bequeath to my son William a negro wench named Nan and a neg ro girl named Frances, forever.

      I give and bequeath to my son, Thomas Vaughan, a negro fellow named Wil l, forever.

      I give and bequeath to my daughter, Meacha Dunnaway a negro boy named Char les. I also desire Colonal Coles may make a Deed to my daughter Maacha Dun away two hundred acres of land being held between the said Coles
      and me on the branches of Buckskin and Difficult Creeks, forever.

      I give and bequeath to my daughter, Mary Nickhols, a negro girl named Bett y, forever. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Lucy East, a negro wench n amed Tabb and a girl, Moll, forever.

      I give and bequeath to my son, Drury Vaughan, a bed and furniture.

      The rest of my estate to be laid off in equal lots and drawn for among st my children.

      Lastly, I appoint my sons: Thomas Vaughan, William Vaughan, Drury Vaugha n, and Samuel Bates Executors of my last will and Testament. I desire my E state not to be appraised. Signed and sealed in the presence of: James Bat es, William Bates, Mary (+) Bates This 4th day of September 1777.

      William W. Vaughn SEAL mark

      Will proved 16 October 1777. Presented by: William Vaughan, Drury Vaugha n, Samuel Bates three exr. And proved by to of witnesses.
      (Halifax County, VA, Will Book I, pg. 199)

  • Sources 
    1. [S73] johns file.FTW.
      Date of Import: Apr 5, 2009