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Last Will and Testament of Drury Vaughan of Rutherford Co., TN:
All my just debt be paid. To my son William B. Vaughan the land and plant ation where on I now live containing 230 acres and one negro man named Squ ire, also one negro man named Mager, also one negro woman named Fanny al so her four children. Also all my household and kitchen furniture, al so my plantation tools, also one third of my stock of cattle, sheep and ho gs. To my son Peter Vaughan one negro man named Thos., also one negro m an named Gabe, also one negro boy named Burwell. To my daughter Betsey Mat hews one negro man named Henry also one negro girl named Patsey. To my da ughter Mildred Nelson one negro man named Squire, also one negro woman nam ed Delcia. To my daughter Nancy Lenoir one negro man named Sam, also o ne negro woman named Sillar. To my grand son John P. H. Lenoir one neg ro boy named Guy to have full posession when come of age of twenty on e. To my grandson William H. Palmer one negro woman named Betty, also o ne negro girl named Betsy. I desire the rest of my estate be sold and t he amount collected be equally divided among my five children and Willi am H. Palmer. I appoint my sons William B. Vaughan and Peter Vaughan, exe cutors. This 28th January 1826.
(Rutherford Co., TN, Will Book 7, page 198)
Submitted by Estelle Hall.