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- Presumed father
"The Van Tuyls in Holland can trace their lineage back for nearly 700 years. The book, 'wappenbock van den Netherlandschen Adel' (Record of Dutch Nobility) sets forth the titles and high positions in government held by members of the family at various times. By royal decree in 1822 it was ordained that all legitimate members of the house of Van Tuyl shall bear the title and should style themselves Baron or Baroness. The full name adopted by the family, incidentally, was 'Van Tuyl von Seroskerken' but in America the elaborate name and title were dropped.
Jan Otto Van Tuyl emigrated from Holland....He was the son of Baron Otto Van Tuyl of Utrecht, Holland... and had ten children. Two of these were twins, Abraham and Isaac, born in 1681. Both of them became farmers on Staten Island where they lived all their lives. Most of the Vantyls in this country are descendants of one or the other of these two men." -- Hiram Orvis Van Tuyl: Van Tuyl Ancestry.