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- "Mrs Anna T. Taylor
"Mrs Anna T. Taylor who resided with her husband and daughter at the family home north of Palmyra, died Sunday April 30, 1933, at 4:50 a.m. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Bethel Baptist church, Fabius township, conducted by Rev Harold M. Hunt. Interment was in Bethel Cemetery. Pallbearers who served at the ceremony were A. Robbins, Frank Hansbrough, Harvey Triplett, Warwick Triplett, John Hansbrough, and Frank McPike.
"Deceased was a daughter of the late J.B. and Martha McLeod and was born March 31, 1873 bringing her to the age of 60 years, 1month and 9 days at the time of her death. She is survived by her husband, Cecil R. Taylor, one daughter, Miss Mable Maurine Taylor, at home, five sisters: Mrs Lulu White and Mrs. J.B. Taylor of this county, Mrs. George Imbler and Miss Mabel McLeod of Kirksville, and Mrs L.A. Harris who resides in Montana, and by three brothers, H.M. McLeod and J.J. McLeod of this county and Robert McLeod of LaGrange.
"She was an excellent woman widely known and beloved in home circle and community." -- Palmyra Spectator [Article was badly photocopied so some words have been supplied by the transcriber, LKL]