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- His birth is recorded twice in the Bible; once with the date of Sept. 26 and once with the date of the 27th. Sobieski is spelled "Sobieskii or Sobieskie" in the alternative entry.
In the 1850 Census he is listed as 16 years old.
"Rev CALEB S. TAYLOR. Mr Taylor is a native of Marion county, born September 26, 1833. He is the son of Caleb Taylor, deceased. During his boyhood he attended the district schools of his neighborhood, where he acquired a deep thirst for knowledge. Much of his time was employed on the farm, and he had to contend with the disadvantages of life in a new country. He attended college at Palmyra, and the William Jewell College at Liberty, Clay county, and in 1859 and 1860 he was at school in Kentucky. August 1, 1861, Mr. Taylor was married to Miss Lucinda A Smoot, daughter of Josiah and Harriet (Whittaker) Smoot, the former of Fauquier county, and the latter of Culpepper county, Virginia. Mrs Taylor is a native of Marion county, born January 25, 1840. August 1, 1862, Mr. Taylor enlisted in the Confederate service under Capt. Brown. He was however out only a few weeks, the company disbanding soon after the engagement at Kirksville. Mr Taylor was licensed to preach in January, 1857, and had engaged in this calling while attending school, and in 1867 he was ordained a minister, and has since engaged almost continually in his work, being an earnest and faithful laborer in the cause of Christianity. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have four children: Allyn O., born March 10, 1862l Caleb S. born July 19, 1863; Leander W., born April 18, 1866, and Josiah S. born December 3, 1867."--Holcombe. op. cit., pp. 798-799.