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- "Howard Triplett Receives Citation
"Howard B. Triplett, 816 North Twenty-eighth, who retired March 31, as a railway mail clerk after 42 years of service, has received a citation from Arthur E. Summerfield, postmaster general. Mr. Triplett for many years was assigned to trains operating between Chicago and St. Louis and later was assigned to trains operating between Quincy and Kirksville, Mo. The citation reads in part:
'To Howard B. Triplett, for merit accomplishment, and devotion to duty in the course of an honored career in the United States postal service, this ciltation, tendered upon the occasion of retirement from active duty, conveys official comment from the postmaster general and a cordial expression of esteem from co-workers in the service.'" -- Probably from the Quincy paper., probably in April of 1953. Was he in ill health at retirement since he died so soon after?-- LKL
"Howard B. Triplett Dies in Quincy
"Howard Benjamin Triplett, 63, native of Marion county, passed away Thursday morning, June 23, at 6:10 at his home in Quincy. His death resulted from complications following an attack of anemia [?] last February.
"Born near Palmyra, April 4, 1890. he was a son of Jefferson Davis Triplett and the late Mrs. Jesse Ann Brown Triplett. He spent his early life in thes community.
"For 35 years he served as a postal clerk on the Santa Fe railroad Chicago-Kansas City run, and during the last six years was with the Burlington railroad traveling between Quincy and Milan, Mo. He retired March 31.
"Since taking the Burlington run, Mr. Triplett has made his home in Quincy. He was a member of the First Church of Christ Scientist, taking an active interest in church work. On August 25, 1915, he was married to Mrs. Myrtle Stowell Lavery in Chicago.
"Surviving are his widow; his father, who lives in Palmyra; one step-son, Richard J. Lavery of Omaha; two sisters, Mrs Mary Neher of Palmyra, Marion County Superintendent of Schools; and Mrs. Harry Carson of Philadelphia; two brothers; Harvey and Warwick Triplett of Palmyra and two step grandchildren.
"Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at Hansen's Funeral home in Quincy. Rites were in charge of Christian Science Readers.
"Burial was in Greenwood cemetery, Palmyra." -- Palmyra Spectator
"Howard B. Triplett
"Howard Benjamin Triplett, 63, a retired railway postal clerk, died Thursday morning at 6:10 in his home, 816 North Twenty-eighth. He had been a resident of Quincy six years and was a member of First Church of Christ Scientist, being very active in affairs of the church.
"Mr Triplett served as postal clerk on the Santa Fe railroad Chicago Kansas City run for 35 years and during the past six years had made the Quinct-Milan (Mo.) run on the Burlington railroad. He retired March 31.
"A native of Marion county, Mr. Triplett was born near Palmyra April 4, 1809 [sic. i.e. 1890], a son of Jefferson Davis Triplett and Jesse Ann Brown Trip-[lett]Stowell Lavery Aug 8, 1915. [sic]"
"Surviving Mr. Triplett are his father, living at Palmyra; his widow; a stepson, Richard J. Javery [sic] of Omaha, Neb.; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Neher of Palmyra and Mrs. Marry [sic. i.e. Harry] Carson of Philadelphia, Mo; two brothers, Harvey and Warwick Triplett of Palmyra and two stepchildren[sic. i.e., step-grandchildren]" -- Presumably from the Quincy Whig.