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- also spelled Van Thujil, Van Tuyl, etc.
He was believed to be the youngest son of Baron Otto Van Tuyl and his wife Neeltje. On April 16, 1663, he sailed from Holland to Bedford, Long Island in "De Bonte Koe" (The Spotted Cow) with his wife and child two years old. He settled in NYC along by the "Wall." -- From: "Van Tuyl Ancestry of Mary Ellenor Stafford Bowman," p. xviii. from un-noted printed source.
Some legal records noted by Alma Cramer and sent to JET
1672 -- "Nicolaes Davis, deceased, is indebted unto the following persons as appears by their accounts, delivered unto this Office, which is entered here by Court Order....Jan Otto van Tuyl, fl. 80 hollands Monny...." [N.Y. Records of New Amsterdam, by Fernow, Vol. 6, 1666-1673.]
1674, Sept. 4 -- (At a Court holden at the City Hall of the City of New Orange) "Jan Otto van Tuyll, pltf. v/s William Richardson, deft. Plft. demands the sum of L 7/9/3 Hollands for monthly wages earned by him on the ketch of N. Davis, whereof deft. is skipper; with costs. Deft. admits that pltf. has earned so much on said ketch, but that he cannot pay unless being thereunto constrained by the Court. The court orders deft. to pay said monthly wages to the pltf. inasmuch as the pltf. has earned it from him as skipper on N. Davis ketch." [N.Y. Records of New Amsterdam, by Fernow, [presumably Vol. 7]]
1689, July 9 -- "Last Will of Daniel DeHart. Witnesses Jan Otto Van Tuyl, Cornelis Janse Van Tuyl, Gerritt Janse Van Tuyl, and Gertruy Janse Vat Tuyl (alias Van Pelt)" [New York Co, N.Y. Surrogates Court, Abstracts and Wills, Vol. 1, 1665-1707, p. 306.]
1690 -- "Gertruy Jans Van Tuyl also being sworn says that she also heard Daniel De Hart declare the words in the above deposition expressed, and that she was requested to be a witness." Recorded by John Marsh (in the case of Daniel DeHart deceased. [Ibid., p. 166]
1691, Jan. 6 -- "Account Jans Jansen Slot and Jan Otten Van Tuyl against ?oelf Swartwout for conveying him to the "Soopes" (Aesopus)." [Calendar of New York Historical Documents, p. 200 -- English Mss.]
1695, Sept. 1 -- "Ottho Van Thuyl and Gertruyd V.T. witnessed baptism of Maria, dau of Anna Van Tuyl and Cornelis Van De Venter [New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol II, pp. 229 & 245.