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- MRS. R.L. MCLEOD DIES--Palmyra Spectator July 5 [?], 1960
"Word has just been received here of the death of Mrs Robert L. McLeod in Independence, Mo., July 1.
"Funeral services were held at the LaGrange Baptist Church, July 4, 1960, with Rev. Wayne Masters officiating. Burial was in Riverview cemetary.
"Mary Evelyn Scott McLeod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilfred Scott of Palmyra was born February 15, 1873. She spent her early life on the farm, attended Point Pleasant country school and LaGrange College. She was married to Robert L. McLeod, also of Palmyra, December 27, 1893. To this union three children were born.
"Following their marriage they lived on a farm for several years before moving to Stillwell, Ill. At Stillwell and later in LaGrange, Mr. McLeod operated a grocery store for a number of years, selling out to become assistat cashier of Farmers' and Merchant's Bank in the latter city.
"In 1941, Mr. and Mrs. McLeod went to Kansas City to make their home with their son-in-law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Harold M. Hunt.
"Mrs McLeod united with the Emerson Baptist Church of Marion County at fifteen years of age. Since that time wherever she lived, she always moved her membership to become an active, faithful member of the church. At Independence, she was a member of the Convention Sunday School class, had taught in the Junior department of the Sunday School, was an active member of the Women's Missionary Society. Her hobbies were sewing and raising flowers.
"For many years in LaGrange she belonged to the Tau Alpha literary club. She was also house-mother of the boy's dormitory of La Grange College for three years, following the death of her younger son, Lloyd, who drowned at twenty-three years of age.
"Surviving are: her husband ad daughter, Mrs. H.M. (Elizabeth) Hunt of the home, a son, Leland S. McLeod, of Cleveland, Ohio; five grandchildren, seven great grandchildren, and many other relatives.
"She was the last of a family of eight children."