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- "DR. S. F. BONNEY.
"Dr Bonney was born in Maine, April 5, 1821, and is a son of Harvey and Hannah (Fish) Bonney, both natives of Massachusetts. He was educated in the public schools and at Woburn Academy in Massachusetts. He chose medicine as his profession, and attended Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. He then took a course of lectures at La Porte, Indiana where he graduated in 1848. In 1849, he Married Mrs. Nancy Shannon, formerly Miss Saddler. She died the same year in this county. In 1851, he married Patsey Ann, daughter of Jeremiah Taylor, of North Carolina, and to this union were born three children, viz.: Minnie June, Edgar J. and Mattie C. Mrs Bonney died in 1860. Dr. B., was again married in 1861, to Mary E. Leach of Quincy, Illinois. He has been a resident of Marion county since 1848, except two years spent at Camp Point, Ill. He owns 160 acres of land valued at $8,000; has a fine house and orchard, and has a large practice. Dr and Mrs Bonney have been prominent members of the M. E. Church South for a number of years."
--Holcombe, Op. cit., p 785.
[Holcombe was incorrect in stating that Jeremiah Taylor was from N.C. He was originally from N.C. but had lived in Marion County for many years---LKL]