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- DEATH OF MRS HUGH MCLEOD -- Palmyra Spectator, Dec. 19, 1945
"Mrs Susie E. McLeod, wife of High M. McLeod, prominent retired farmer, of Palmyra, died at 8:15 o'clock Friday night in Blessing hospital in Quincy, where she had been a patient for several days. The body was removed to the Lewis Bros. funeral home in Palmyra and prepared for burial. Funeral services were held at two o'clock Monday afternoon at the First Baptist church in this city, conducted by the Rev. E. A. Winchell, the pastor. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery.
"Mrs. McLeod, who was 82 years old, was a native of Lewis county, born Oct. 15, 1863. She was a member of the Loudermilk family, a well known and old established family of Lewis and Marion counties, following her marriage to Mr. McLeod, the couple lived for a long number of years on a farm north of Palmyra.
"Surviving are her husband and two brothers, Lee Loudermilk, of Maywood and J. D. Loudermilk of LaGrange.
"Mrs McLeod was a faithful and devoted member of the First Baptist church and until her health failed, was regularly in attendance at services."
Aunt Susie was the first of Uncle Hugh's wives that I remember--and that memory is quite faint. I can just recall her trying to amuse me at her house with a pull toy and telling me over and over that it belonged to Ronnie. I gained the impression that I was supposed to be honored to touch his things!