Taylor Family Genealogy


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
101 (now Nansemond) County VA BRASSIEUR, Martha (I2556)
102 [johns file.FTW]

The gravestone of Elizabeth Vaughan Johns

Photo credit: Estelle Wright Hall

VAUGHAN, Elizabeth (I2257)
103 [johns file.FTW]

Estelle Wright Hall at the graves of her great-great-great-gran dparents Joseph B. and Elizabeth Vaughan Johns 

Family F803
104 [johns file.FTW]

The gravestone of Joseph B. Johns

JOSEPH B. JOHNS settled in Tennessee in 1801. He lived briefly in Giles C o., TN and then settled in Rutherford Co., TN. He served in West Tenness ee Militia during the War of 1812. He enlisted 10 Dec 1812 and serv ed in the infantry under Col. Hall and Capt. Newton.

JOSEPH B. JOHNS received a land grant August 1831 for 71 acres in Rutherfo rd Co., TN.

JOSEPH B. JOHNS' date of death, 8 October 1839, was recorded in the Maj or Family Bible.


April 1814- Order hands work under JOSEPH B. JOHNS, overseer of road: Dru ry Hale, Wm Hale, Wm Robertson & hands, Richd Cook, Thos Cook, Jno Methen y, Jesse Monday, Arthur Monday, Wm Sison, Zacheus Sison, Benjn Baker, Eli as Baker, Hill Wade, Jno Matthews 7 hands, Saul Dunnaway, Thos Dunaway, Ja cob Johns, David Reed, Jas Huckaby, James Robertson. (Rutherford Co. Cou rt Records 1811-1850, pg. 146)
Submitted by Estelle Hall.

May 1828- A true copy of the inventory of William Vaughan, decd., return ed to Rutherford County Court by JOSEPH B. JOHNS, administrator and Pat sy Vaughan, administrator, at May Term 1828.
(Rutherford Co., TN, Will Book 7, pg. 35)

18 Aug 1829- To the undersigned commissioned appointed by the County Cou rt of Rutherford, May term 1809. To settle with JOSEPH B. JOHNS, execut or of Abner Johns, decd. who was executor of Mary Johns, decd. Report th at the said Johns had received in his hand belonging to the estate seven h undred and nineteen dollars and paid out to the legatees of said as vouche rs appears as follows:
1. B. Coleman- $250.00
2. Burl Ganaway- $25.70/$28.40
3. Ganaway- $251.28
4. Jas. Rucker- $13.12/ $264.40
5. James Rucker- $157.51
6. J. F. Davis- $129.41/ $287.00
7. Edmund Johns' heirs- $145.14
Witnesses: T. C. Mitchell, S. Beesley, Samuel Wilson (commissioners)
(Rutherford Co., TN, Will Book 7, pg. 259)


16 Sept. 1809-Transaction made between JOSEPH B. JOHNS and Redmund D. Bare y. This indenture made this 24th day of February in the year 1817 betwe en Redmond D. Barey of Sumner County and state of TN of the one part and J oseph B. Johns of Rutherford County and state of TN of the other part --- ------? that whereas the said Red D. Barey and on the 16th day of Septemb er 1809 gave his Bonds as obligation to the said Joseph B. Johns in this w ords of figure following - Know all men by these presents that I, Red D. B arey am held and firmly bound unto Joseph B. Johns in the just and full s um of two thousand dollars good and lawful money to the which payment -- -? and truly to be made bind myself ------ ----- ----? firmly by these pre sents the condition of the above obligation is that whereas the said Jose ph B. Johns hath this day purchased a tract of land from the said R ed D. on the waters of the East Fork of Stones River located by WilliamNa sh on warrant 4206 for 640 acres now is the said Red D. will as so on as he can conveniently obtain a grant and convey to the said Jose ph B. a good and sufficient title to the same agreeable to ---------? r un by William Nash as Joseph B. a few day ago provided said line does n ot interfere with the lines of Ben Phillips, Joshua Hadley or Bushnal Dobb ins ---? survey, then this obligation to be null and void otherwise to rem ain in full force and venue given under my hand and seal this 16th d ay of September 1809 ---? Sam Weakley now the said Red D. Barey for and in consideration of the promises of ten dollars to us in hand paid by the sa id Joseph B. Johns the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and him t he said Joseph B. forever therefrom exonerated and acquit hath and by the se presents doth bargain, sell, employ and convey unto the said Jose ph B. Johns the aforsaid tract or parcel of land situate lying and bei ng in the county of Rutherford on the waters of the east fork of Stones ri ver long the north side of said river beginning at an elm and small whi te oak it being Joshua Hadleys southwest corner of his six hundred and for ty acre tract of land he now lives on thence north three hundred and six ty six poles to a black oak thence east two hundred and eighty pol es to a wash and sugar tree thence south with said Hadleys line three hund red and sixty six poles to the beginning. Containing six hundred and for ty acres to the ---? more or less to have and to hold the above, etc, et c, etc........
Witness: Robert Foster, Jr and Isaac Johns Signed Joseph B. Johns (De ed Book L pg. 175-177)

15 July, 1817- JOSEPH B. JOHNS to Jacob Johns. 250 acres. Land Jose ph B. Johns purchased from Redmund D.Barry. (Deed Book L, pg. 195) Milita ry Law Office 640 acres given as grant 11 April, 1797.

20 Dec 1823- JOSEPH B. JOHNS and Charles Dement, both of Rutherford Co ., TN to Joshua Harrison of Rutherford Co., TN for $275.00, a lot in the t own of Murfreesboro, TN.
Signed: Charles Dement and JOSEPH B. JOHNS
(Deed Book Q, pg. 176)
Deed Recorded 19 January 1825. John R. Laughlin, Clk.

16 Jan 1826- Philip Osborne of Rutherford Co., TN to JOSEPH B. JOHNS of Ru therford Co., TN for $1,200.00, a 202 acre tract of land in Rutherford Co ., on the waters of the East Fork of Stones River. Bound by Elam's line a nd corner.
Signed: Philip Osborne
Witnesses: Benjamin Clayton and H. D. Wilson.


2 Dec 1839- December Term 1839, Rutherford County Court. To William and T homas Johns, citizens of Rutherford County. It appearing to the County Co urt that JOSEPH B. JOHNS has died leaving no will and the court being sati sfied as to your claim to the administration and you having given bond & t he court having ordered that letters of administration be issued to yo u. You are to take into your possession and control all the goods chattl es claims and papers and return a true and perfect inventory to our cou rt in ninety days, to collect and pay all debts and transact all the duti es in relation to said estate. Recorded 4 December 1839.
(Rutherford Co, TN, Will Book 10, pg. 462)

21 Mar 1840- Inventory of all the goods and chattles and credits of JOSE PH B. JOHNS, decd., not included inventory of the sales cash on hand, Tenn essee Bank $50.00, (illegible)$29.00, Twenty five dollars to Mississippi-A labama Railroad, one note on Isiah Elison and Elihu McMin $40.31, sever al receipts listed on several named persons, also several notes list ed to several named persons including one note on William Johns for $600. 00 and one note on Jacob Johns for $38.00, and Paul V. Johns' account $3.7 5, William Johns' account $29.93, Nicholas Johns' $1.12 and Thomas John s' account $2.00, Randolph V. Johns' $3.31. Cash received by the han ds of JOSEPH B. JOHNS for selling whiskey & c $38.00. Sales of 3rd Februa ry 1840. Signed by Wm. Johns and Thomas Johns, admin. Sales of esta te of JOSEPH B. JOHNS, decd.. Several items listed as sold to several nam ed persons including Elizabeth Johns, William Johns, Joseph B. Johns, Jr ., Randolph V. Johns, Will Johns, and Paul V. Johns and R. V. Johns and Th omas Johns and Jacob Johns.
Signed: John Hoover, Jas. Wade and Wm. F. Robinson.
(Rutherford Co., TN, Will Book 10, pg. 493)

12 Oct 1840- JOSEPH B. JOHNS, decd. Inventory of sale of tobacco, 10,6 77 lbs. Elizabeth Johns provisions for the year. Allotment to Jose ph B. Palmer. Mention of Virginia Charles ?. Signed Wm. Johns and Tho mas Johns.
(Rutherford Co., TN Will Book 11, pg. 78)

1 Jan 1842- JOSEPH B. JOHNS, decd. Settlement made with Thomas and Willi am Johns for sale of estate and proceeds of crop of tobacco minus credit s. List 54 names.
(Rutherford Co., TN Will Book 12, pg. 88 & 89)

20 Jan 1845- William Johns, Thomas Johns, Randel V. Johns, Paul V. John s, Joseph B. Johns, Varner D. Cowan and his wife Susan, William Major a nd his wife Garter, Samuel McAdo and his wife Sarah, and Joseph B. Palm er (grandson) by his guardian Varner D. Cowan and Caroline Mildred Smith ( granddaughter) by her guardian Samuel Smith, heirs of JOSEPH B. JOHNS, la te of the County of Rutherford who died intestate, to sell the land of JOS EPH B. JOHNS, decd.

To wit:
A tract of land in Rutherford Co. on McNairys Branch on the East Fork of S tones River, being the home tract, including the mansion house and plantat ion, containing about 540 acres (from which a dower containing 224 has be en allotted to Elizabeth Johns) and bound by Jacob Johns, Robertson's lin e, Phillips' line, Dodd's line and Nelson's line. A tract of land on McNa irys Branch containing about 51 acres. A tract of land, known as the Ca ve Spring Tract containing 243 acres and the adjoining Cedar Land Tract co ntaining 44 acres and bound by Samuel McAdo, John Donaldson, Momford's lin e, Vaughan's line and Hunt's line. The said tracts of land, exclusive of t he widow's dower, were sold by Samuel H. Hodge, Commissioner, to wit:

The 51 acre tract on McNairys Branch to Drury Dunaway for $458.91.
The 287 acre tract, known as the Cave Spring Tract and the Cedar Land Tra ct to Randell V. Johns for $1722.00.
The 272 acres tract, known as the home tract (excluding the widow's dowe r) to Paul V. Johns for $2,235.00.
Signed: Samuel H. Hodge
(Deed Book 2, pg. 96)

A letter to JOSEPH B. JOHNS from James Lanier (his brother-in-law) of Pitt sylvania Co., VA, indicating that JOSEPH B. JOHNS made visits back to Pitt sylvania Co., VA:

Pittsylvania County
State of VA
6 Jany 1824

Dear Sir:

I have no news of importance to write you there has nothing occured sin ce you was in this country worth naming. We are all in health and good con dition generally so fare as I am acquainted. I am in hope this will find y ou and yours enjoying the same blessing, soe I have thought proper to p ut your rept. in the hands of Esqr. Fulton you will be so good as to gi ve him up the notes for collection also your brother Abraham. If you ha ve not got his note, if so you can also give him the notes for collectio n, as I am owing some money his neighbourhood and Mr. Adams is desirous y ou would be in hastin senfing him the deed you promised when you was in th is country last, I fully expect to recd a letter from you before this fr om your promise when I saugh you last you will soe excuse last and exce pt of my best wishes and familys. I am with dere respect.
Jas. Lanier

I will write more fully by the first opportunity.

Addressed to Mr. JOSEPH B. JOHNS, Rutherford County, TN.

The following documents were in the possession of Mrs. W. A. Johns of Shel byville, TN and were copied by Edythe Johns Rucker Whitley in 1934:

20 Dec 1837
These few lines goes to certify a true statement of the amount of some not es and executions that Jacob Johns holdes against Isaac Johns, his brothe r, and a final settlement has taken plae betwixt them by his brother payi ng Jacob some furniture. Jacob Johns tells his brother, JOSEPH B. JOHNS, t hat he had waited untill he had now thought that he here would pay him a nd Jacob agreed with his brother, if he would let him these few whites th at is named on the back of the within instrument of writing he would gi ve the above notes and execution. The first note that Isaac Johns gave Ja cob Johns was given October 21, 1806, for one hundred dollars due 18 mont hs after the date.

On a full settlement made by the Comissioners in settlement of my father 's estate in Old Virginia, brother owe on a bond that fell to me that t he Commissioner gave me against said Isaac Johns for the amount of 20 poun ds or in other words gave brother JOSEPH B. JOHNS when I was a small bo y, a minor child.

Allso one execution Jacob Johns and Abraham, our brother, stayed for Isa ac Johns for which Jacob Johns payed the hole execution off to the office r. The judgement obtained before Gilbard Hubble the 27th day of August 182 0, the amount of judgement fifty dollars and 35 cents.

Thirty seven dollars and ninety one cents the 1st day of January 1806.

to one beauroe for $18.21
to one cupboard for $23.00
to one square table $3.50
to one side table $3.00
to one corner table $3.00
to one nine lite winder $1.50
to one widden lock $1.00
to one trunk papered $1.00
to one candlestand $1.00
to one bedstead in the year 1837 $10.00
to two windows thirty lites $5.00
to one folding table $10.00
Total: $119.91

To one years board $40.00

Allso credit for $50.00 broguht from Virginia interest on same up to Decem ber
1837 $95.00

the first note $100.00 due October 1806 $30.00

Settle up to December 1837 interest on $100 to December 1837 amounts to $2 86.00.

The 20 pound note beside the credit amount o $99.00

The amount of the execution that I, Jacob Johns, paid to the widow Quarles estate for Isaac Johns principal and interest is $99.00

This si to certify that this is the hole of the crecit that I, Jacob John s, received of to best of my knowledge.

This last $30.00 is the money that my mother gave me to give to Isaac John s.

Thomas Johns produced a commission and took the oath as Ensign of the Coun ty Militia. State of Virginia, County of Pittsylvania. Mrs. James S. Jon es of Chatham, VA being duly sworn, reposes and says that the foregoing t wo items are true to the best of her knowledge and belief and that she per sonally copied the same from the records. Subscribed and sworn to befo re me this 5th day April 1838.
Signed: M. E. Allen, Notary Public.

I had Mrs. Jones send me the above record of service of Thomas Johns, at w hich time I did not know that I was going to visit that county, but in le ss than one month after Mrs. Jones sent me the above service record of Tho mas Johns, I visited Pittsylvania County and rechecked the record mysel f. It is as found:

Richmond, Virginia State Archives, 10 April 1784. Reference Auditor's Acco unt XVIII, page 531, Militia Warrant to Thomas Johns for his service in t he militia of the state in 1781.

From Estelle Hall:

Joseph B. Johns and his wife Elizabeth Vaughn Johns.

to the memory of
Joseph B. Johns
who departed this life
November 8, 1839
Aged 63 years
9 months
10 days

to the memory of
Elizabeth Johns
who departed this life
May 26, 1844
aged 65 years
9 months
11 days.

Joseph B. Johns settled in Tennessee in 1801. He lived briefly in Giles C o.,
TN and then settled in Rutherford Co., TN. He served in the War of 1812.
He enlisted 10 Dec 1812 and served as a private Captain Newtons Co., Col.
Wm. Halls Regiment of West TN Militia 12-10-1812; and private in Capt.
Nathan Davis' Co. in Regt. under Gen. Andrew Jackson, 12-18-1813.
He purchased land on E. Fork Stones Riiver and at his death owned
about 1,000 acres.

This grave site is located on private property. There are 3 stones.
One without engraving is broken in many pieces. The two with the
inscription are broken from their base but the inscription part is
intact. They were laying on the ground covered by weeds. They are
currently leaning against a fence. It is incorrectly listed in several
publications as being west of Walter Hill on 266. The descriptions
incorrectly put it on property that was owned by my grandfather Will
Boone Johns. With the help of Ernest King Johns and my uncle Hascal
Johns I was able to locate the site of the graves off 266 East.
Traveling from Murfreesboro, TN on 231 No. Travel about 10 miles
to the intersection of 231 and 266 at the Walter Hill intersection.
Take a right onto 266 East towards Lascassas. Travel 2.1 miles to
Dunnaway Chapel Rd.(Kings Chapel Baptist Chruch). Take a left and
travel 1.3 miles to Lane Rd. Take a left on Lane Rd. and travel
.06 mile to bridge over creek. The graves are located approx. 300-400 yd s. N.W. in the corner of a fence line behind the old home. The land was o wned by a Johns descendant until the 1960s when it was sold to Jack Lan e. There is a new brick home built on the property and the old house is s cheduled to be torn down
spring 2001. Standing at the bridge looking toward the new home the gra ve sites are approx 100 yds. to the right.

Many thanks to Estelle Hall for providing the records in Rutherford Count y, TN for Joseph B. Johns.

The middle name of Joseph B. Johns:

Many Johns researchers, among them Edythe Rucker Whitley, believed that t he middle name of Joseph B. Johns was Barksdale. This was an easy assumpt ion to make, as Joseph B. Johns had a son who was named Joseph Barksdale J ohns. However, the Barksdale name was first introduced into the Johns fam ily by Elizabeth Vaughan, wife of Joseph B. Johns. There is no connecti on in the lineage of Joseph B. Johns with the Barksdale family and absolut ely no reason that his middle name would have been Barksdale.

It is likely that his middle name was "BENJAMIN" as General Joseph Benjam in Palmer, grandson of Joseph B. Johns and Elizabeth Vaughan, was pro ud of the fact that he was named for his grandfather Johns. Althou gh it is also possible that his middle name may have been Benning.

Photo credit: Estelle Wright Hall

Bob Newsome 

JOHNS, Joseph B. (I2251)
105 [johns file.FTW]

Susan Johns Cowan, age 64, was living in Rutherford County, TN in the hou sehold of her son-in-law, Julius Wade, in 1870. Her daughter, Alice Cowa n, and son, William Cowan, were also living in the household. 
JOHNS, Susan B. (I2259)
106 [johns file.FTW]

15 AUG 1764- DAVID JOHNS of Buckingham County VA received a LAND PATENT f or 210 acres on the north side of Appomattox River. Patents Nol 36, p. 62 7. (VA State Library Web Site)

Published in the Virginia Gazette, 16 June 1768:
Taken up in Buckingham, near Mr. Venable's mill, a middle sized black hors e
about 5 years old, a natural pacer, branded on the near shoulder :C: has a
switch tail, hanging mane, and shod all round. Posted, and appraised to 6 l.
David Johns 
JOHNS, David (I2237)
107 [johns file.FTW]

1704- WILLIAM JOHNS appeared on the Quit Rent Roll in King William Co ., VA as owning 100 acres of land.

21 FEB 1720- Henry Webber, 260 acres in St. John's Parish, King William C o. for 30 shillings, on both sides of the main Road; adjoining. his own la nd, William Isbell, land of WILLIAM JOHNS & Terry's line; on NE side of Lo ng Branch; & through his plantation. p. 52.

The name of WILLIAM JOHNS' wife is unknown. It is very likely that she int roduced the name LOCKEY into this branch of the JOHNS family. 
JOHNS, William (I2207)
108 [johns file.FTW]

1715- JOHN JOHNS appeared on the Quit Rent Roll in Essex Co., VA as owni ng 60 acres of land. 
JOHNS, John (I2212)
109 [johns file.FTW]

20 Nov. 1793- William Barksdale, Peter Barksdale, WILLIAM VAUGHAN AND H IS WIFE FANNY, Drury Vaughan and his wife Eliza, Giles Thweatt and his wi fe Sarah and Thomas Thweatt and his wife Susanna sell to Nathaniel Barksda le land that "formerly belonged to Nathaniel Barksdale, dec'd."
(Halifax County Deed Book 17, pg. 299.) 
BARKSDALE, Frances "Fanny" (I2328)
110 [johns file.FTW]

A document from the 1850s, from the JOHN BUNYAN JOHNS family of Wake Count y, NC, stated that RACHEL JOHNS, sister of JOHN BUNYAN JOHNS'S grandfath er JESSE JOHNS, died in 1815. 
JOHNS, Rachel (I2239)
111 [johns file.FTW]

ABRAHAM JOHNS moved to Tennessee in 1801 with his brother Joseph B. John s. He settled near Milton in Rutherford Co., TN. It appears that he mov ed back to Virginia, as several of his children were born there, but retur ned to Rutherford County, TN by 1820. He was living in Rutherford Coun ty in 1830 and in Wilson County, TN in 1840 and 1850.

ABRAHAM JOHNS and his wife were living in Wilson Co., TN in 1840 and 185 0. Also living in the household in 1850 was a John Johns, age 18.

Abraham Johns, age 81, was living in Rutherford County, TN in 1860 in t he household of Daniel J. Dunaway. 
JOHNS, Abraham (I2256)
112 [johns file.FTW]

Antoine Benin (Anthony Benning) was a French Huguenot. The Benin (Bennin g) family migrated to Virginia from France with the Guerrant family (per J ean Poindexter). 
BENNING, Anthony (I2285)
113 [johns file.FTW]

ARTHUR JOHNS was living in King William Co., VA in 1702 when he appea rs on the Virginia Loyal Address in King William Co.

1 MAY 1705; King William Co., VA: ARTHUR JOHNS sold land to John Fox, Gen tleman. 100 acres on JOHNS CREEK.

1743- ARTHUR JOHNS of King William Co., VA was mentioned in the estate acc ount of Thomas Starke, Jr., deceased, of Essex Co., VA (pg. 247). 
JOHNS, Arthur (I2213)
114 [johns file.FTW]

Descendants of Rev. Edmund Johns of Campbell County, VA, please be aware t hat incorrect information about Rev. Johns was submitted many years a go to the William and Mary Quarterly. Rev. Edmund Johns was not the s on of John Johns and his wife Elizabeth of Buckingham County, VA. Nor w as his middle name "Winston."

Mrs. Willie Parrish of Roanoke, a descendant of Rev. Johns, submitted t he family records from the bible of John Johns of Buckingham County to t he Quarterly. She said that she copied the bible records verbatim, howev er she later admitted, in a letter to a descendant of John Johns, that s he sent altered information to the William and Mary Quarterly. Her ancest or, Rev. Edmund Johns, was not listed in the bible as a child of John a nd Elizabeth Johns of Buckingham County. She added his name. She also st ated the bible recorded the maiden name of Elizabeth, wife of John John s, as Winston and that she was the daughter of Judge Edmund Winston of Buc kingham County. Again, she added this information. It does not appe ar in the John Johns bible. The bible gives no information about the maid en name, or family, of Elizabeth. Elizabeth, wife of John Johns, was a Gl over (daughter of Samuel and Judith Benning Glover) as proved by informati on which surfaced in the 1990s from the old Glover bible (now located in t he historical collection of the Owingsville Kentucky library.)

Mrs. Parrish also created the middle name "Winston" for Rev. Johns. Perha ps she did this in an attempt to confirm a link with Judge Edmund Winst on of Buckingham County. There is no link. Rev. Johns was not a descenda nt of the Winston family. In addition, no records have been found which g ive an initial, much less a middle name (Winston or otherwise) for the Re v. Edmund Johns. This was all a fabrication by Mrs. Parrish.

Rev. Edmund Johns was the son of William Johns of Buckingham County, as pr oved by a 1785 deed in Campbell County, VA. He was, therefore, the young er brother, and not the son, of John Johns of Buckingham County. The na me of Rev. Johns' mother is unknown. It is possible that her maiden na me was Hobson.

Bob Newsome

Deeds in Campbell County, VA that mention EDMUND JOHNS:

10 Jan 1785: From William Johns to EDMUND JOHNS," for the love I have f or the said Edmund", 400 acres of land in Buckingham County, VA, adjoini ng Christian Staples and Dillard on the south side of the James River, tog ether with 4 negroes named Harry, Chloe, Henry and Frederick, 2 horse s, 12 cattle, 30 hogs and all my household furniture.
Signed: William Johns
Witnesses: Thos. Jones, Jesse Johns, Betty Jones.
Memorandum that the within named EDMUND JOHNS is to be a good and dutif ul son to both his father and mother, and not to let or see them want duri ng life, under the penalty of making the within deed void.
Signed: William Johns
Witnesses: Tho. Jones, Jesse Johns, Betty Jones.
Recorded: May 5, 1785
(Deed Book 2, pg. 46)

15 Apr 1785: From Thomas Jones and Betty, his wife of Campbell Co. to EDMU ND JOHNS, for 50 pounds, a 50 acres tract of land, bounded by the mou th of the Rockey Branch, Martins Road and adjoining Thomas Jones, Sr. a nd Falling River. Witnesses: Jesse Jones, Jesse Johns.
Recorded 5 May 1785.
(Deed Book 2, pg. 47)

10 Sep 1786: Sarah Simpson of Campbell Co. to EDMUND JOHNS of Campbell Cou nty, for 50 pounds, 100 acres in Campbell Co. on the main branch of Nak ed Creek. The land was conveyed to Sarah Simpson from John Dixon. Witness es: Jas. Miller, Jeremiah Rust, Jno. Reid, Thos. Reid.
Recorded 6 Apr. 1787.
(Deed Book 2, pg. 205)

7 Jun 1787: From James Hays and Elizabeth, his wife, of Campbell Co. to ED MUND JOHNS of Campbell Co., for 100 pounds, 300 acres on both sides of Pau ls Branch, adjoining John Beard, William Crease, Nicholas Hays, Alexand er Hunter and William Hays.
Recorded 7 Jun 1787.
(Deed Book 2, pg. 215)

6 Sep 1787: From EDUMUND JOHNS and Susannah, his wife, of Campbell C o. to Joseph Torrance of Campbell Co., for 50 pounds, 100 acres in Campbe ll Co. on the main branch of Naked Creek, being the tract of land convey ed to said JOHNS by Sarah Simpson by deed 10 Sep 1786.
Signed: EDMD. JOHNS and Susannah Johns.
Witnesses: John Patrick, Joel Terrell and Thos. Tucker.
Recorded: 6 Sep 1787.
(Deed Book 2, pg. 260)

3 Sep 1789: From EDMUND JOHNS of Campbell to Jesse Jones, for 80 pound s, 50 acres, bound by Rocky Branch, Martins Road, Thomas Jones, Sr., Big F alling River.
Witnesses: Owen Franklin, John Franklin, James Roberson.
Recorded: 3 Sep 1789.
(Deed Book 2, pg. 405)

EDMUND JOHNS was a Baptist minister in Campbell County, VA for 40 year s. He served Ebenezer Baptist Church and New Chapel Baptist Church. Fr om "Virginia Baptist Ministers," series 1, by James B. Taylor (publish ed in 1859).

Abstract of the Last Will and Testament of EDMUND JOHNS:
EDMUND JOHNS signed his Last Will on Testament on 20 January 1831, it w as placed into probate in Campbell Co., VA on 13 February 1837. The wi ll mentioned his wife Susannah, his son Edmund Johns, who received the "la nd I live on." Son, Hopson (sic) Johns "to hold trust for my daughter Ma ry Pannill." Also mentioned were: daughter, Elizabeth Johns; grandchildre n: Susannah Haden, Elizabeth Haden, Edmund Haden and Richard Haden. So ns William P. Johns and Hopson (sic) Johns were named as executors. Witnes ses: Matthew Martin, William G. Clarke and M. B. Clarke. (Campbell Co ., VA Will Book 8, pg. 103)

On 8 September 1845 an account of the estate of EDMUND JOHNS, deceased, w as submitted to the Campbell Co. Court. (William Johns and Hobson Johns h ad been the executors of the estate). The acccount mentioned: "burial exp enses and money paid to Edmund Johns, Jr. in 1837." Also "cash paid Eliza beth Johns, now Elizabeth Cock, for the hire of 4 negores in 1839-1840 ." (Campbell Co., VA Will Book 9, pg. 422)
The final settlement of the estate of EDMUND JOHNS may have been filed up on the death of his widow, Susannah Bullock Johns. 
JOHNS, Edmund (I2249)
115 [johns file.FTW]

Elizabeth Lewis married her first cousin Warner Lewis Williams. There we re no children born to this union. 
LEWIS, Elizabeth (I2276)
116 [johns file.FTW]

From Jean Poindexter: The old family bible of Joseph Benning Glover (a co py can be found in the Owingsville, KY library) gives the following inform ation: Samuel Glover (1720-1803) was married to Judith Benning and the ir children were: John Glover, Elizabeth Glover (married John Johns), Ma ry Glover, Sara Glover (married Mr. Cox), Anthony Glover ( married Ann "Na ncy" Tindall), Garterhood Glover, Samuel Glover, IV (married Mary Tindall) .

Samuel Glover was buried near Shaw's Grove in Buckingham Co., VA.

Land Patents for Samuel Glover:

20 August 1747 Albemarle Co., VA: 375 acres on the south side of the Jam es River on both side of Poplar Run of Slate River. Patents No. 28, 1746- 49, pg. 180

20 August 1747 Albemarle Co., VA: 400 acres on the south side of the Jam es River on the north branches of Slate River. Patents No. 23, 1746-49, p b. 181.

10 August 1759 Albemarle Co., VA: 449 acres on both sides fo the north a nd south forks of Slate River. Patents No. 34, 1756-62, pg. 433.

7 April 1784 Buckingham Co., VA: 360 acres among the north branches of t he North folk of Slate River. Grants I, 1783-84, pg. 743. 
GLOVER, Samuel III (I2319)
117 [johns file.FTW]

From Murfreesboro, TN paper "The Courier, Vol. II, #85 Wednesday Feb. 1 6, 1831"
Petition for divorce - Mildred Palmer has petitioned the court for a divor ce from William H. Palmer. They were married in June 1823 and they have o ne child. Wm. H. Palmer now lives in another state.
(Submitted by Estelle Hall)

Although the marriage of Mildred Johns Palmer and Samuel Smith has not be en proved, it is believed to be accurate. It is known that Joseph B. Joh ns had a granddaughter, Caroline Mildred Smith, who was listed as an hei r, in right of her late mother, in the settlement of Joseph B. Johns' esta te in 1845. 
JOHNS, Mildred Ann (I2260)
118 [johns file.FTW]

From: Mixed Probate Records - Pittsylvania County, VA
Book 4, 1805 -1812

Johns, Judith - orph of Thos. Johns, gdn, Edw. Nunnilee 
JOHNS, Judith Ann (I2320)
119 [johns file.FTW]

Garterhood Glover "Garty" Johns married William Major November 25, 18 24 in Rutherford County, TN. The date was recorded in the William Major F amily Bible. The marriage bond for Garty Johns and William Major was secu red on November 2, 1824. 
JOHNS, Garterhood Glover (I2261)
120 [johns file.FTW]

GARTERHOOD GLOVER'S name and date of birth were recorded in the Glover fam ily bible. The bible is in the historical collection at the Owingsvill e, KY library. She was the daughter of Samuel and Judith Benning Glov er of Buckingham County, VA.

GARTERHOOD GLOVER was first married to Thomas Johns of Buckingham Count y, VA. They were living in Pittsylvania County, VA by 1784. GARTERHOOD G LOVER'S sister, Elizabeth Glover, was married to John Johns of Buckingh am County. John Johns was the brother of GARTERHOOD GLOVER'S husband, Tho mas Johns; therefore two Glover sisters married two Johns brothers. Thom as Johns died in Pittsylvania County in 1794. GARTERHOOD GLOVER JOHNS mar ried her second husband, Charles Lewis, in 1799. She died about 1820 in C aswell County, NC, probably at the Byrd, the plantation of her second husb and, Charles Lewis.

The marriage contract of GARTERHOOD JOHNS and Charles Lewis, dated Nov. 1 9, 1799 Pittsylvania County, VA (Pittsylvania County Deed Book 14, pg. 195 ).

This Indenture made the 19th day of November in the year of our Lord one t housand seven hundred and ninety nine between Charles Lewis of the Coun ty of Caswell and the State of North Carolina of the one part and GARTERHO OD JOHNS widow of THOMAS JOHNS of the county of Pittsylvania and the Sta te of Virginia of the other part. Whereas there is a marriage shortly int ended to be had and solemnized by the permission of God by and between t he said Charles Lewis and the said GARTERHOOD JOHNS and thereupon it is h ereby covenanted article and agreed upon by and between the parties afores aid that the said Charles Lewis said and doth by these presents after t he said marriage shall take effect renounce relinquish and disclaim all ri ght and interest of in and to any part or parcel of the estate of the sa id Thomas Johns deceased of which she the said Garterhood may have rig ht or claim to in any manner howsoever and that he will take charge of fo ur of the children of the said Garterhood find them provisions and such cl othing as by her own prement industry and care shall provide as well for t hem as also the children of him the said Charles and it agreed on the pa rt of the said Garterhood that in case she should survive the said Charl es in this life and should be inclined to marry then and in that case s he doth herby renounce relinquish and disclaim all right title and intere st of dower or otherwise of in and to any part of or parcel of the esta te of him the said Charles real or personal. But in case she should not i ncline to marry then to enjoy such endowment of his said Estate as the l aw gives. In witness whereof the parties of these parents have mutually s et their hands and affixed their seals the Day and year within mentioned.

Signed by Chas. Lewis and Gartheyhood Johns.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Edw. Nunnelee, Joseph John s, Ch. Austin.

At a court held for Pittsylvania County the 17th day of December 1804 th is marriage contract between Charles Lewis and Gartheyhood Johns was prese nted in court and proved by the oaths of two of the subscribing witness es thereto to be the acts and deed of the said Charles and Gartheyhood a nd by the court ordered to be recorded.

Test: Will Tunstall, C.L.K.

From the Last Will and Testament of Charles Lewis of Caswell County, NC:

" I lend to my wife GARTER HOOD during her widowhood one third part of a ll my said land layed off at the lower end of my tract in such mann er as to take in the mansion house. Likewise I lend to her during her wido whood all my household and kitchen goods and likewise I lend her during h er widowhood one third of my negroes and stock and plantation utinsils whi ch may be kept after my debts are paid and my disire is that she may ha ve choice of three of the negroes likewise."
(The Last Will and Testament of Charles Lewis was written 22 May 1808 a nd a codicil was added 20 Oct 1817. It was placed into probate in Pittsyl vania County, VA 17 Nov 1817.) 
GLOVER, Garterhood (I2244)
121 [johns file.FTW]


For many years, there has been a debate about the maiden name of Elizabet h, wife of John Johns of Buckingham County, Virginia. Was her maiden na me Glover or was it Winston? A case could be made for both names, and t he confusion continued until the mid 1990s. Thanks to Jean Poindexte r, we now know that GLOVER was Elizabeth's maiden name. Jean found an o ld Glover family bible which had been in the possession of Joseph Benni ng Glover. The bible is located in the historical collection at the Owing sville Kentucky library. Joseph Benning Glover was a descendant of Samu el Glover and Judith Benning of Buckingham Co., VA. The bible gives the na mes and dates of birth for the children of Samuel Glover and Judith Bennin g. Elizabeth Glover, wife of John Johns, was listed as a child.

Why has there been confusion about Elizabeth's maiden name? Many years a go, the William and Mary Quarterly published a typed document submitt ed by Mrs. Willie Parrish of Roanoke VA. Mrs. Parrish stated that she h ad seen the old family bible of John Johns of Buckingham Co., VA and had c opied the family records, verbatim, from the bible. Per Mrs. Parrish, t he bible gave the name of John Johns' wife as Elizabeth Winston. Mrs. Parr ish stated that Elizabeth was the daughter of Judge Edmund Winston of Buc kingham Co. Mrs. Parrish also listed the names and dates of birth for t he children of John Johns and Elizabeth , as recorded in the family bibl e. Among the children that she listed was her ancestor Rev. Edmund "Winst on" Johns, whom she stated was named for his maternal grandfather Judge Ed mund Winston of Buckingham Co., VA.

It has been known for some years that Elizabeth, daughter of Judge Winsto n, was NOT the wife of John Johns. Nevertheless, the belief that Elizabeth 's maiden name was Winston persisted and was justified by the informati on from the John Johns family bible as submitted by Mrs. Parrish. A lett er written by Mrs. Parrish in the 1960s has surfaced. In the letter, s he admitted that she altered the information from the John Johns bibl e. In reality, the bible did not give Elizabeth's maiden name. Mrs. Parr ish added this. Mrs. Parish also stated that she added her ancestor Re v. Edmund Johns to the list of children. His name did not appear in the J ohn Johns bible. In addition, she created the middle name "Winston" for h im. It appears that "Winston" (as his middle name) was a complete fabric ation by Mrs. Parrish. There is no documentation that provides a middle i nitial, much less a middle name (Winston or otherwise) for the Rev. Edmu nd Johns.

Mrs. Parrish's confusion about the Winston connection may have resulted fr om the fact that John Johns, Jr., son of John Johns and Elizabeth Glove r, was married to Mary Winston daughter of Judge Winston.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that she submitted a transcription of infor mation from the John Johns family bible for publication in a Virginia gene alogy magazine and claimed that the information was true and authenti c. As she was later to admit, she added a great deal of information that w as not in the family bible and attempted to keep this a secret for many ye ars.

Note: Mrs. Parrish's ancestor Rev. Edmund Johns of Campbell Co., VA was t he son of William Johns of Buckingham Co., VA (as proved by a Campbell C o. VA deed), making him the younger brother, and not son, of John Joh ns of Buckingham County.

Bob Newsome

Elizabeth Glover's sister, Garterhood Glover, was married to Thomas Joh ns of Pittsylvania County, VA. Thomas Johns was the brother of Elizabe th Glover's husband, John Johns; therefore two Glover sisters married t wo Johns brothers. 
GLOVER, Elizabeth (I2233)
122 [johns file.FTW]

Henry Fox served as a Burgess from King William Co., VA. 
FOX, Henry (I2283)
123 [johns file.FTW]

Hiram P. Johns was living in Rutherford County, TN in 1900.

In the household:

Hirram P. Johns, age 36, head of house
Fannie Johns, age 35, wife
Dandridth M. (Dandridge Madison) Crockett, age 77, father-in-law
Lucy E. Crockett, age 73, mother-in-law
Clifford Johns, age 19 and single, nephew (son of Paul V. Johns, Jr., t he half-brother of Hiram P. Johns) 
JOHNS, Hiram P. (I2317)
124 [johns file.FTW]

In 1703, per the Last Will and Testament of Richard Johns, ANNE JOHNS w as under the age of eighteen. 
JOHNS, Anne (I2219)
125 [johns file.FTW]

In 1703, per the Last Will and Testatment of Richard Johns, MARTHA JOH NS was under the age of 18. 
JOHNS, Martha (I2218)
126 [johns file.FTW]

JACOB JOHNS was living in Caroline County, Virginia by 1732. He was proba bly the son of William Johns of St. John's Parish in King William Count y, Virginia and the brother of JOHN JOHNS of Caroline County. Proof for t hese connections has not been found.


1732- JACOB JOHNS was living in Caroline Co. and was the owner of one slav e.

1732- JACOB JOHNS was on several jury panels.

1746- JACOB JOHNS served on a Grand Jury.

1748- JACOB JOHNS and Ann Welsh were convicted of adultry.

1750- JACOB JOHNS was listed as a tailor.

1752- JACOB JOHNS witnessed the Last Will and Testament of John Johns.

1755- William Broaddus was listed as an apprentice tailor to JACOB JOHNS.

1759- JACOB JOHNS was listed as a debtor who took the pauper's oath. 
JOHNS, Jacob (I2322)
127 [johns file.FTW]

Jacob Johns, age 65 and his wife Elizabeth, age 58, were living in Rutherf ord County, Tennessee in 1850. 
JOHNS, Jacob (I2255)
128 [johns file.FTW]

JANE JOHNS appeared on the 1704 Quit Rent Roll in King Williaim Co ., VA as owning 200 acres of land. 
FOX, Jane (I2208)
129 [johns file.FTW]

JESSE JOHNS, son of William and Ann Johns, was born in King William Co ., VA or possibly in Caroline Co., VA. He spent his early years in Goochl and, Albemarle and Buckingham Counties, VA. He was listed on the 1773 a nd 1774 Tithe List in Buckingham Co., VA, and was still living in Buckingh am Co. in 1783 when he filed a Public Service Claim. In 1784 he purchas ed land in Campbell Co., VA and appeared on the Campbell County Personal P roperty Tax list in 1787. JESSE JOHNS died in Campbell County early in t he year 1800, as his Last Will and Testament was signed 13 Jan 1800 and w as placed into probate on 14 Apr 1800.

Documents that mention JESSE JOHNS:

Published in the Virginia Gazette by JESSE JOHNS, 11 May 1769:
"Taken up in Buckingham, a dark bay horse, 9 or 10 years old, with a hangi ng maine and switch tail, paces slow, is very dull, and branded on the ne ar buttock IW in a piece; posted, and appraised to 5l."

JESSE JOHNS served in the 14th Virginia Regiment during the Revolutiona ry War.

Public Service Claim for JESSE JOHNS for provisions provided to the Contin ental Army during the Revolutionary War:

1 AUG 1783- JESSE JOHNS of Buckingham Co., VA for food and supplies furnis hed.

The courthouse in Buckingham Co., VA burned in the mid1800s, but the follo wing tax record shows that JESSE JOHNS sold land in Buckingham Co. to h is brother William Johns in 1794. This was probably land that he inherit ed from the estate of his father, William Johns, Sr., of Buckingham County :

1794- JESSE JOHNS sold 300 acres of land in Buckingham Co., VA to Willi am Johns in 1794. (Buckingham Land Tax Summaries)


4 APR 1799- JESSE JOHNS Campbell County VA, received a LAND PATENT for 1 80 acres on east branches of Little Falling river, Grants No. 42, 1798-9 9, pg. 318. (VA State Library Web Site)


5 Feb 1784- Peter Terrell of Campbell Co. to JESSE JOHNS for 300 poun ds of Virginia money, a 199 acre plantation on both sides of Little Falli ng River where Peter Terrell now lives. Land bound by Samuel Morris's li ne and William Jordan's line. (Deed Book 1, pg. 224)

3 Jul 1793- JESSE JOHNS of Campbell Co. to Thomas Olliver of Charlotte Co ., a Negro woman named Jane for 52 pounds and 10 shillings. Witnesses: R o. Alexander, J. Adams, Owen Franklin, Bourne Price. (Deed Book 3, pg. 436 )

1 Feb 1795- JESSE JOHNS of Campbell Co. to George Jude of Campbell Co. f or 50 pounds, a parcel of land on both sides of Little Falling River conta ining 46 acres, more or less. Robert Alexander, teste. (Deed Book 3, p g. 491)

20 Aug 1797- JESSE JOHNS to George Jude for 100 pounds, a parcel of la nd on the east side of Little Falling River, containing 54 acres, mo re or less. Land bound by Jude's line. Witnesses: John Fore, Samuel Jorda n, Matthew Jordan, Charles Martin. (Deed Book 4, pg. 373)

24 Dec 1799- Sarah Johns, wife of JESSE JOHNS, does relinquish all dower r ights to a 54 acre tract of land sold by her husband to George Ju de on 20 Aug 1797. This tract of land lies on the east side of Little Fall ing River. Witness: John Irvine and David G. Talbot. Robert Alexander, te ste. (Deed Book 5, pg. 91)

24 Dec 1799- Sarah Johns, wife of JESSE JOHNS, does relinquish all dower r ights to a 46 acre tract of land sold by her husband to George Jude on 1 F eb 1795. This tract of land lie on both sides of Little Falling River. Wit nesses: John Irving and David G. Talbot. Robert Alexander, teste. (Deed Bo ok 5, pg. 92)


17 Oct 1804- Sarah Johns, Charles Walker and his wife Ann, Stephen Johns a nd his wife Sarah, Charles Martin and his wife Locky, Elisha Brumfield a nd his wife Synthie, Jesse Johns, Prisciller Johns, Daniel Johns and Magda lene Johns, all of Campbell Co. for $500 current money, a 102 acre parc el of land on both side of Little Falling River. Bound by Matthew W. Weave r's line, Jenning's line, Morris' corner, and up the branch to another bra nch on the south side of the road to Mrs. Johns' line. Signed by the abo ve parties. Witness: John Organ, Herod Rees, Edmund Johns, George Cock, Wi lliam W. Weaver, George Jude, Jr., all of Campbell Co. Robert Alexander, t este. (Deed Book 7, pg. 1)

9 Feb 1807- Charles Walker, Charles Martin and his wife Lockey, John S. Jo nes and his wife Magdaline, Elisha Brumfield and his wife Synthia, Jesse J ohns, Thomas Prather and his wife Priscilla, all of Campbell Co., and Dani el Johns and his wife Mary of Cumberland Co. to Pleasant Jennings for 2 60 pounds, a 230 acre parcel of land in Campbell Co., on both sides of Lit tle Falling River. The land is bound by John Morris's line and Weaver's li ne. Signed by the above parties. Robert Alexander, teste. (Deed Book 8, p g. 49)
[Note: This deed shows that Sarah Sanders Johns, widow of JESSE JOHNS, a nd Stephen Sanders Johns and Ann Johns Walker, children of JESSE JOHNS, we re deceased by 9 Feb 1807, as they were not included in this settleme nt of JESSE JOHNS' estate.]


In the name of God Amen I JESSE JOHNS of Campbell County being weak in bo dy but of sound mind and memory do hereby make constitute and ordain th is my last will and testament disannulling and revoking all others heretof ore made by me and knowing that it is allotted for all men once to die I r ecommend my body to the Earth and my spirit to God who gave it and as f or what worldly Estate I possess I dispose of in manner and form following .

In Primus I lend unto my beloved wife Sarah Johns during her natural li fe the land and plantation I now live on on Little Falling River in the co unty above mentioned with all the appurtenances there unto belonging. My f urther will and desire is that my beloved wife Sarah Johns shall enjoy t he use and privilege of all the personal Estate I am now possessed of with out any interruption during her natural life as above mentioned. My furth er will and desire is that after the death of my beloved wife Sarah Joh ns the whole of my Estate both real and personable be equally divided amo ng my beloved children, viz, Stephen Johns, Nancy Walker, Locky Martin, Sy nthia Johns, Jesse Johns Junr., Prisyla Johns, Daniel Johns and Magdala ne Johns and in order to make an equal division among my beloved childr en my further desire is that what property I have let those of my belov ed children have that has married be considered as my Estate and to be acc ounted for by valuation or otherwise so that each one may have an equal pr oportion of the Estate above mentioned to them and their heirs forever, a nd I do hereby appoint my beloved wife Sarah Johns, my beloved son Jesse J ohns Junr, Charles Walker and George Jude Executrix and Executors of th is my last will and testament revoking and disannulling all other wills be fore made by me as witness my hand and seal this thirteenth day of Janua ry One Thousand and Eight Hundred. Jesse Johns Senr.

J. Morris
Edward Douglass
Jesse Cobbs

At a Court held for Campbell County April 14th 1800:
The within last will and testament of Jesse Johns Senr. deceased was prov ed By the oath of John Morris a witness whose name is thereunto subscrib ed and at A Court held for the said County the 9th day of June following t he same was further proved by the oath of Edward Douglass another of the w itnesses whose name there unto subscribed and ordered to be recorded a nd in the motion of Sarah Johns the Executrix and Jesse Johns Junr. and Ch arles Walker two of the Executors in the said will named who made oath the re by according to Law certificate is granted them for obtaining probate t hereby in due form giving security. Where upon they together with Willist on Talbot, William Marshall and John Irvine their securities entered in to and acknowledged their bond in a penalty of five thousand dollars condi tioned of the Law directs for the said Executors do and faithfully adminis tration of the said decedent's Estate and performance of his will. Liber ty being reserved the other Executor in the said will named to join in t he probate there of when he shall think fit.
Teste, Ro. Alexander, C.C.C. 
JOHNS, Jesse (I2240)
130 [johns file.FTW]

John Fox died before 16 April 1682 in Gloucester Co., VA. 
FOX, John (I2230)
131 [johns file.FTW]

JOHN JOHNS was High Sheriff of Buckingham Co., Va. from 1784 to 1785. (Wil liam & Mary Quarterly, Vol. 12, pg. 172)

Published in the Virginia Gazette, 1 June 1775:
Taken up, in Buckingham, a bay horse, 4 feet 6 inches high, 3 years old th is spring, branded on the near buttock and on the off buttock, with a st ar in his forehead, has on a small bell, which is marked and tied on wi th a stirrup leather. Posted, and appraised to 10L.

The following are from the Buckingham Co. VA Land Tax Summaries.

JOHN JOHNS was on the Buckingham Co. tax rolls from 1782-1814. He was lis ted as "Gentleman" in 1788 and as "Senior" in 1813.

1795 JOHN JOHNS, John Epperson, Thomas Walker and Glover Johns bought 1 00 acres from Hopkins.

1806 JOHN JOHNS bought 100 acres from Epperson and Walker.

1800 JOHN JOHNS sold 400 acres to Glover Johns

1806 JOHN JOHNS sold 200 acres to William Johns

1807 JOHN JOHNS sold 220 acres to Samuel Johns

1813-14 JOHN JOHNS' residence was on the Buckingham Road, adjacent to Glo ver Johns.

1815 JOHN JOHNS owned 459 acres of land adjacent to Samuel Johns and Jam es Gilliam

1815 JOHN JOHNS sold 100 acres to Peter Francisco

1816 The will of JOHN JOHNS gave 459 acres adjacent to Samuel Johns to Jo hn Johns, Jr.

In November 2002, I received an e-mail from Russ Peck of Nashville, TN. Ru ss is a descendant of Mary "Polly" Johns Thompson, daughter of Elizabeth G over and JOHN JOHNS. In Russ' possession were documents which had pass ed down and had been preserved by the ancestors of Mary Johns Thompson. In cluded in these documents was a copy of the Last Will and Testament of Jo hn Johns. This document is of immense importance, as the copy placed in to probate in 1815 was destroyed when the Buckingham County court house b urned in 1869. Until now, John Johns' LWT was considered a lost documen t. My sincere thanks to Russ and his father, Earsel Elliott Peck, for sha ring their family papers and for allowing me to post them. I have transcri bed the Last Will and Testament from a copy of the original. (Bob Newsom e, December 2002)

The Last Will and Testament of JOHN JOHNS was signed on 29 April 1815 a nd was placed into probate in Buckingham Co., Virginia on 12 June 1815.

I, JOHN JOHNS of Buckingham County, do hereby make my last will and testam ent in the manner and form following, that is to say:

1st: I desire that all my past debts should be paid.

2nd: I give to my son John Johns all my tract of land whereon I now liv e, lying in the county of Buckingham, except a small parcel of land lyi ng on the east side of the road leading to Williams Jones' mill, adjoini ng the New Store tract, which small parcel of land I give to my son-in-l aw William Thompson.

3rd: I give to my son Anthony Johns the tract of land whereon my son Jo hn Johns now lives, to be laid off on the north and south sides of the ma in road, containing two hundred and sixteen acres, the title to be made fr om John Johns and William Thompson. The land to be laid off, beginni ng at the upper end, or brickyard, and coming down both sides of the ro ad until you to get ____ above named.

4th: I give to my two daughters Martha Cock and Sarah Crawford one hundr ed pounds each, to be raised from the sale of part of my estate.

5th: I give to my daughter Judith Cock two negroes (to wit) Sellar and Jan e.

6th: I give to my daughter Elizabeth Wood, Phebey and her child Eda, al so a feather bed and furniture.

7th: I give to my son-in-law William Thompson two hundred and sixty six po unds, which I have paid toward the purchase of the New Store tract of la nd from Peter Francisco. Also I give to him all claim, either in bon ds or open account, which I have against him.

8th: I give in trust to my son Glover Johns and John Gilliam, for the bene fit of my daughter Polly Thompson and the heirs of her body, during her na tural life, the following negroes, to wit, Biddy, Darcus, Hannah, Sam, To m, Jane and John. It's my wish also after the decease of my daughter Pol ly Thompson, if she dies before William Thompson, that the above trust a nd negroes should be continued for the benefit of William Thompson duri ng his natural life. I also give to my daughter Polly Thompson one feath er bed and furniture.

9th: I give to my daughter Nancy Johns, six negroes, to wit, Flora, Bo b, Sarah, Lucy, Paulina, and Abba, Flora's mother. Also two feather beds a nd furniture of her own choice and all the sheets, ____, curtains, tab le clothes, which she may claim as her own manufacture. The furniture whi ch has generally set in her room, including half dozen Windsor chairs, al so the gig and choice of my ____, also all my silver plate to be divided w ith her sisters Polly Thompson and Elizabeth Wood.

10th: I give to my son Gover Johns, two negroes, Frank and Joe.

11th: I give to my son Samuel Johns, one negro, Allie, a feather bed and f urniture.

12th: I give to my son John Johns one negro: Savory.

13th: I give to my granddaughter Elizabeth Thompson one negro boy, Carter.

14th: I give to my grandson Edmund G. Johns, son of William Johns, two hun dred dollars, and to my son William Johns, five dollars.

15th: I give to my son Glover Johns and Samuel Johns and my daughter Pol ly Thompson, four negroes, Fordy, Sam, Nancy and Abba, to be divided as th ey may agree. not parting man and wife, my will and desire is the above ne groes to be well treated during life.

16th: The amount of the bond executed by William Thompson and John Joh ns to Lewis Wilkinson, now in the possession of Samuel Johns, to be paid o ut of my estate, it being a balance due from me for the purchase of la nd I gave to my son Anthony Johns.

17th: The residue of my estate I wish sold, debts and monied legacies ____ ___. The balance of my estate ___ provided ____ away to be divided equal ly between my three daughters, Nancy Johns, Polly Thompson and Elizabeth W ood.

18th: If the residue of my estate should not be sufficient to pay my deb ts and specific money legacies, my will and desire is that each legatee sh ould bear their proportionable part, except my daughter Judith Cock.

19th: The present crop I desire to be finished, the hands and other ____ t hing to finish the crop to remain until the same is completed in due time.

20th: And lastly. I do hereby constitute and appoint my three sons, Glove r, Anthony and John Johns and my sons-in-law William Thompson and Edmund W ood executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all t he other or former wills or testaments by me heretofore made. In witness w hereof I have hereon to set my hand and affixed my seal, this 29th d ay of April 1815.


Signed and sealed in the presence of:
John S. Mills
P. H. Anderson
Thomas C. Armstrong

At a court held for Buckingham County the 12th day of June 1815:

This will was proved by the oaths of John S. Mills and P. H. Anderson, t wo of the witnesses and sworn to by Glover Johns one of the executors ther ein named and is ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of the said exe cutor who enters into and acknowledges a bond with security according to l aw, certificate is granted him for attaining a probate thereof in due form .

Teste: Rolfe Eldridge, C. C. 
JOHNS, John (I2232)
132 [johns file.FTW]

JOHN JOHNS was the son of William Johns of St. John's Parish, King Willi am County, Virginia. Conclusive proof of this connection has not been dis covered.


12 Oct 1732- JOHN JOHNS was one of several men ordered to clear the ro ad from the Forest of Needwood to Normon's (Norment's) Ferry.

NOTE: Norment's Ferry crossed the Mattopony River and connected Caroli ne County to King William County. The ferry crossing was established abo ut 1700 by Samuel Norment. About 1732 a bridge was built across the Matto pony at Norment's Ford.

1732- JOHN JOHNS was on a jury panel.

8 June 1739- On the petition of Robert Baber setting forth that he bui lt a water grist mill on the Long branch in this county apprehending th at the land on both sides the said run where he dam was to join belong ed to the petitioner, but it appearing on a late survey that part of t he dam and the land adjoining on one side belonged to William Cruchfei ld of this county, the petitioner applied to him to sell him an acre for t he support of his mill, but Cruchfeild refused to sell. It's ordered th at Head Lynch Gent., John Sutton and JOHN JOHNS view and lay off an ac re of Cruchfeild's land adjoining to the dam and if it take not away housi ng, orchards or other immediate conveniences to value the same and put Rob ert Baber in possession thereof.

4 December 1739- Ordered that Henry Burk, JOHN JOHNS, James Turner, and Jo hn Sutton appraise the estate of Philemon Hurt.

8 February 1740- There being formerly an order of this court made on the p etition of Robert Baber that Head Lynch Gent., John Sutton and JOHN JOH NS lay off an acre of William Cruchfeild's land joining to a run Baber h ad built a mill on it is ordered that unless the same be performed befo re next court it be vacated.

8 Aug 1740- Jack, a Negro boy belonging to JOHN JOHNS adjudged to be 11 ye ars old.

Feb 1741/42- On the petition of John Sutton, it's ordered that JOHNS JOHN S, Samuel Norment and JACOB JOHNS view and value the improvements ma de by the petitioner on a tract of land containing 175 acres in this coun ty for which he has lately obtained a patent.

1742- JOHN JOHNS was on several jury panels.

1742- JOHN JOHNS was a tailor who became bankrupt.

1742- Headrights purchased by Richard Taliaferro, JOHN JOHNS, John Mille r, Robert Gilcrist, Archibald Richie and Thomas Wild.

12 NOV 1742 - The court proceeded to the proof of Richard Turner's will (R ichard Turner the heir at law being present), which being proved by Samu el Norment and John Tounsend, two of the witnesses, is ordered to be recor ded. And Elizabeth Turner having taken the oath of executrix, certifica te is granted her for obtaining a probate thereof. James Turner, being ap pointed executor of the will, renounced toe executorship. Ordered that Sa muel Norment, Titus Hurt, John Sutton and JOHN JOHNS appraise the esta te of Richard Turner. (pg 134)

8 Mar 1744/45- JOHN JOHNS, Samuel Norment, Titus Hurt, and John Sutton or dered to divide the estate of Richard Turner.

10 June 1748- John JOHNS witnessed the will of Lewis Turner. Also order ed to appraise the estate of Lewis Turner along with several others, o ne of which was Samuel Norment.

1760- JOHN JOHNS was an executor or administrator for the estate of Thom as Richerson. 
JOHNS, John (I2229)
133 [johns file.FTW]

Joseph B. Johns moved to West Tennessee. (per Estelle Hall) 
JOHNS, Joseph B. (I2305)
134 [johns file.FTW]

Joseph B. Johns was living in Rutherford County, TN in 1850.

In the household:
Joseph B. Johns, age 38, head of house
Margaret Johns, age 24, wife
Jno Johns, age 2, son
Joseph Johns, age 1, son 
JOHNS, Joseph Barksdale (I2265)
135 [johns file.FTW]

Josiah Johns sold 206 acres of land in Buckingham Co., VA to John La nd in 1797. (Buckingham Co., VA Land Tax Summaries) 
JOHNS, Josiah (I2248)
136 [johns file.FTW]

Land Patents for John Glover:

20 August 1747 Albermarle Co., VA: 400 acres on the south side of the Jam es River on both sides of a creek of Slate River called Glover's Creek. P atents No. 23, 1748-49, pg. 186.

16 August 1756 Albemarle Co., VA: 400 acres on the south branches of Sla te River. Patents No. 33, 1756-61, pg. 141. 
GLOVER, John (I2294)
137 [johns file.FTW]

Last Will and Testament of Drury Vaughan of Rutherford Co., TN:

All my just debt be paid. To my son William B. Vaughan the land and plant ation where on I now live containing 230 acres and one negro man named Squ ire, also one negro man named Mager, also one negro woman named Fanny al so her four children. Also all my household and kitchen furniture, al so my plantation tools, also one third of my stock of cattle, sheep and ho gs. To my son Peter Vaughan one negro man named Thos., also one negro m an named Gabe, also one negro boy named Burwell. To my daughter Betsey Mat hews one negro man named Henry also one negro girl named Patsey. To my da ughter Mildred Nelson one negro man named Squire, also one negro woman nam ed Delcia. To my daughter Nancy Lenoir one negro man named Sam, also o ne negro woman named Sillar. To my grand son John P. H. Lenoir one neg ro boy named Guy to have full posession when come of age of twenty on e. To my grandson William H. Palmer one negro woman named Betty, also o ne negro girl named Betsy. I desire the rest of my estate be sold and t he amount collected be equally divided among my five children and Willi am H. Palmer. I appoint my sons William B. Vaughan and Peter Vaughan, exe cutors. This 28th January 1826.
(Rutherford Co., TN, Will Book 7, page 198)
Submitted by Estelle Hall. 
VAUGHAN, Drury (I2329)
138 [johns file.FTW]


In the name of God Amen, I ELIZABETH JONES of the County of Campbell do m ake this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all other wil ls by me heretofore made.

1st it is my will and desire that all my estate of every description be eq ually divided between my children hereinafter named, to wit, William Jone s, James Jones, Buckner S. Jones, Joel Jones and Martha Jennings and I gi ve the same to them and their heirs forever. It is further my will and de sire that my daughter Martha Jennings in addition to her portion of the pr operty given her as above shall have all my wearing apparel and the che st they are kept in and I hereby give the same to her and her heirs foreve r. And lastly I appoint my son William Jones Executor of this my last wil l, given under my hand and seal this 27th day of December 1836.

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the Testatrix to be her last wi ll and testament.

Elizabeth Jones (her seal)

(The will was placed in probate at a court held 13 November 1837 in Campbe ll Co., VA.)

Many thanks to Tammy Jones (TamJones@centurytel.net) for sharing her resea rch on the descendants of Elizabeth Johns and Thomas Jones of Campbell Cou nty, VA. Much of the information about the first 3 geneations of their de scendants came to me from Tammy. Bob Newsome 
JOHNS, Elizabeth (I2241)
139 [johns file.FTW]

Lucy Meriwether Lewis and Dr. Ajax Walker had seven children. Three child ren, born between 1826 and 1841, died in their youth and their names are n ot known (per "Lewis of Warner Hall, the History of a Family" by M. E. Sor ley). 
LEWIS, Lucy Meriwether (I2275)
140 [johns file.FTW]

Lunsford Roy Cooper was living in Allegheny County, PA in 1910. 
COOPER, Lunsford Roy (I2313)
141 [johns file.FTW]

Merryman is believed to be Ann's maiden name, although conclusive proof re mains elusive. William and Ann Johns were neighbors of John Merryman of G oochland Co. and Cumberland Co. Virginia. The relationship between Ann a nd John Merryman is unknown at this time. If anyone has information on t he Merryman-Johns connection please contact Tammy Jones (TamJones@centuryt el.net) or me (Bob Newsome) at JRN2217@aol.com.

Four of Ann and William Johns' children had descendants who used the na me Merryman. I suspect that other descendants of Ann and William Johns al so used the name Merryman, but this is what has been found so far:

1. James Johns (ca 1742-1817), son of Ann and William Johns and husba nd of Mary Gannaway, had a grandson named Merryman Akers (b. ca. 1812 in R ussell Co., KY).

2. Jesse Johns (ca. 1744-1800), son of Ann and William Johns and husba nd of Sarah Sanders, had a grandson named Jesse Merryman Martin (1798-183 2) and a great-grandson named John Merryman Swinney (b. 1837 Campbell Co ., VA).

3. Thomas Johns (ca. 1752-1794), son of Ann and William Johns and husba nd of Garterhood Glover, had a daughter named Mary Merriman Johns (ca. 17 89-1844).

4. Elizabeth Johns (1757-1837), daughter of Ann and William Johns and wi fe of Thomas Jones of Campbell Co. VA, had a son named John Merryman Jon es (ca. 1785-ca. 1825).

From Goochland Co.:

15 JAN 1744- James Knott to JOHN MERRIMAN for 12 pounds, 200 acres in Gooc hland Co. on the south side of the James River on the head of Muddy Cre ek and being the plantation wheron Huriah Prewett now dwells. This bei ng the land conveyed to James Knott by John Maddox. Mary, wife of James Kn ott relinquished her right of dower. Witnesses: WILLIAM JOHNS and Jacob W infree.

4 MAY 1745- Stephen Sanders of Albemarle Co. to WILLIAM JOHNS of Goochla nd Co. for 25 pounds, 200 acres in Goochland Co. on the south side of t he James River and on Muddy Creek and adjoining Jacob Winfree and JOHN MER RYMAN. This being the plantation that formerly belonged to Stephen Sander s. Priscilla, wife of Stephen Sanders relinquished her right of dower. Wit nesses: James Sanders, Arthelus Jarratt and Rosemon Swillvent.

From Cumberland Co.:

20 JUL 1751- WILLIAM JOHNS of Southam Parish to Richard Murry of Caroli ne Co., VA for 160 pounds, 400 acres in Southam Parish in Cumberland Co. a nd adjoining the lands of JOHN MERRYMAN, Samuel Nuchols and Thomas Roberts on. Witnesses: Thomas Merryman, Royal Richard and Henry Terry. ANN, the w ife of the said WILLIAM JOHNS, personally appeared in court and relinquish ed her right of dower. Deed Book 1, pg. 381.

(My thanks to Tammy Jones for her help with records on the Merryman famil y. Bob Newsome) 
MERRYMAN, Ann (I2235)
142 [johns file.FTW]

Nicholas Meriwether Lewis inherited his uncle John Lewis's estate on the n orth side of the Dan River in Pittsylvania Co., VA, where he made his home .

Nicholas Meriwether Lewis and Lucy Bullock did not have children. 
LEWIS, Nicholas Meriwether (I2270)
143 [johns file.FTW]

Paul Vaughn Johns, Jr., age 74, was living in Sherman County, Kansas in t he household of his son, George F. Johns, in 1930. 
JOHNS, Paul Vaughn Jr. (I2310)
144 [johns file.FTW]

Per "Lewises, Meriwethers and their Kin" (pg. 44) by Sarah Travers Lew is (Scott) Anderson, Charles Lewis was married three time. His last wi fe was Mrs. Garthrey (sic) Glover Johns. 
LEWIS, Charles (I2302)
145 [johns file.FTW]

Per the William Major Family Bible, William Johns married for the second t ime in December 1841 (to Salina A. Wood).

From Estelle Hall: William and Salina were married Dec. 16, 1841, Rutherfo rd Co. TN by John Cummings. License was applied for Dec. 10, 1841. Sourc e: copy of license. 
JOHNS, William (I2258)
146 [johns file.FTW]

Randolph Johns was living with his wife, Lucinda, in Gibson Count y, TN in 1880. Also in the household were grandchildren:
Katie Sowell, age 13
Charles Sowell, age 11
Rolly Yancey age 4
Lucy Yancey , age 3
JOHNS, James Randolph (I2263)
147 [johns file.FTW]


29 Oct 1834- Division of the estate of WILLIAM VAUGHAN, to wit:

No 1. Drury Vaughan received negroes: Allen ($500.00), Micky ($425.00) Cha rles ($300.00) and Netty ($300.00) in addition to advances valued at $590. 00 for a total of $2,115.00. He paid William Vaughan $15.00 for a tot al of $2,100.00

No 2. William Vaughan received negroes: Nelly ($375.00) and Charles ($175. 00) in addition to advances valued at $1,515.00 for a total of $2,065.0 0. He received $5.00 from Eliza Johns, $15.00 from Drury Vaughan and $15. 00 from Sarah Weekly, for a total of $2,100.00.

No 3. R. Vaughan received negroes: Ana ($150.00), Jane ($425.00), Ned ($55 0.00), Edwin and child William ($475.00) and Nanny ($350.00) in additi on to advances valued at $70.00 for a total of $2,020.00. He received $25 .00 from Paul Vaughan and $55.00 from Sarah Weekly for a total of $2,100.0 0.

No 4. Paul Vaughan received negroes Richard ($475.00), Bindy and child M in ($425.00), Jack and Fanny ($150.00) in addition to advances valued at $ 1,075.00 for a total of $2,125.00. He paid R. Vaughan $25.00 for a tot al of $2,100.00.

No 5. Sarah Weekly received negroes Paul ($550.00), Betsy ($425.00), Jam es ($350.00) and Aggy ($150.00) in addition to advances valued at $655. 00 for a total of $2,170.00. She paid $15.00 to William Vaughan and $55. 00 to R. Vaughan for a total of $2,100.00.

No 6. Eliza Johns received negroes John ($550.00), Critty and child Ell en ($475.00) and Cezar ($400.00) in addition to advances valued at $680. 00 for a total of $2,105.00. She paid $5.00 to William Vaughan for a tot al of $2,100.00.

This division of the estate of WILLIAM VAUGHAN, decd. sworn by us as Commi ssioners this 29 Oct 1834.
Signed: William Sydnor, A. Barksdale and William P. Barksdale.
(Source: The above document was found in the papers of Mrs. W. A. Joh ns of Shelbyville, TN and was transcribed by Edythe Johns Rucker Whitley.) 
VAUGHAN, William (I2269)
148 [johns file.FTW]

Richard Johns appears on the Virginia Loyal Address in King William Co ., VA in 1702.

In the Name of God Amen, I, Richard Johns, of King Wm. County being very s ick and weake in body but of Perfect Sence and Strength of memory than ks be to God Allrnighty Doe Constitute this. my Last will and Testame nt as followeth; first I comnitt my Soul into the hands cf Allimighty G od who gave it unto me trusting through the merits and intercessi on of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to have free pardon and forgivene ss for all my Sins, my body I commit to the Earth to be Decently bury ed at the Deferentions of my Exrs hereafter named and as for the worldly E state It hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon mee I give bequeath as f olloweth, It. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Jane Johns t he Plantation I now live on and all the Land thereunto belonging as f ar as beaver dam run durein her naturall life and..after her Decea se to my Sonn Rich’d Johns and the heirs of his body Lawfully begotten f or Ever but if Said Sonn Rich’d Dye without issue as aforesd then the sd L and to fall .to my Sonn Arthur Johns and the heirs of his body lawfully be gotten for Ever in Case of failure of issue of both my sd Sons as afore sd then my desire is that the Land fall to my Sonn John Johns and his heir es for ever. It. It is my Desire that my Sonn Rich’d have Liberty to Li ve on the Plantation with his mother dureing the time of her Life and in C ase of their disagreeing then my desire is my sd sonn have Liberty to Sea te and live on any part of my Land above named. It. I Give unto my Sonn W m. Johns one hundred acres of Land being the Plantation hee now liv es on to him and his heires forever. It. I Give unto my Sonn Thomas Joh ns one hundred acres of Land out my Land adjoining to the Land my Sonn Wil liam lives on to him and his heires for Ever.

It. I Give unto my Sonn Robert Johns all the remaining part cf my La nd in these parts after the above two hundred acres is Laid out to him a nd his heires for Ever. It. I Give unto my Sonn Arthur Johns the remaini ng part of the devident of Land I now live on known by the name cf the Isl and neck to him and the heires of his body Lawfully begotten for Ever b ut in Case of failure of Such issue then to my Sonn Rich’d Johns and the h eires of his body Lawfully begotten for Ever and in Case of failure of iss ue as above of both my two Sonns then my desire is that it fall to my So nn John Johns and his heires for ever. It. I give to my Sonn Rich’d Joh ns a Negroe man called Will at the Expiration of three yeares after my dec ease and Dureing that three years the Said Negroe is to live with my wi fe and what Ever his labour Shall produce Dureing the time I Desire and ap point it for my Sonn John Johns toward the buying of a piece cf Land to h im and his heirs for Ever. It. I Give to my Daughter Eliz’a now the wi fe of James Adams twenty shillings Ster’l. It. I give to my Daughter Ma ry now the wife of John Randle twenty Shillings Ster’l. It. I give to my D aughjter Jane now the wife of Josias Randle Six hundred pounds of Sweet se nted Tobacco and Cask Convenient. It. I give to my Daughter Anne Johns t wo cows and calves and one Thousand pounds cf Sweetsented Tob’o and Cask C onvenient to be paid at the age of Eighteen yeares or the day of marrya ge which Shall .first happen. It. I give to my daughter Martha Johns two C ows & Calves and one Thousand pounds of Sweetsented Tob’o and Cask Conveni ent to be paid her at the age Eighteen yeares or the day of Marriage whi ch Shall first happen. It. All ye rest and residue of my personall Esta te both goods and Chattells that I have not All ready given away I give a nd bequeaath to my Loveing wife Jane Johns whom I Constitute and orda in my full and sole Ex’r of this my Last Will and Testament Consisti ng of this and two other sides of halfe a Sheet of paper. In witness where of I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seale this 12th day of January Anno 1703 .
V 1 p 106 The mark of
Rid’d Johns R.J. Seal
Witnesses: Henry Fox, Wm. Thomas, John Fox
At a Court held for King Wm. County ye 20th day of March Anno Dom 1703 Th is will was proved by the Oaths of Henry Fox, Jno Fox, Gent., witnesses th ereto and order for probate thereof
Granted Jane Johns Ex’r thereunto named.
Vere Rscord’t
Teste Wm. Aylett Cl.Cur. Test. Wm.. Aylett, Cl.Cur.

NOTE: It has been widely published that Richard Johns of King William Co ., VA was the son of Roger Johns of Northampton Co., VA. This is not beli eved to be true. There is no proof that Roger Johns had children. 
JOHNS, Richard (I2228)
149 [johns file.FTW]

Robert Johns: 1702; King William Co., VA- Robert Johns appeared on the Vi rginia Loyal Address.

Robert Johns and Judith Gathright theory:

Did Robert Johns marry Judith Gathright? Per Quaker records, Robert Jon es and Judith Gathright were married 20 April 1708 in Henrico County, V A. I believe that the groom was Robert Johns and not Jones. Early Virgin ia records, including Quaker records, are filled with misspelled names. J ohns and Jones (also spelled Jons) were often confused in the early record s.

I present this as an unproved theory. I hope records will be found whi ch prove or refute the marriage of Robert Johns and Judith Gathright. If a nyone has such documentation, please contact me. Bob Newsome 
JOHNS, Robert (I2210)
150 [johns file.FTW]

Sarah Mayfield Johns, age 78 and a widow, was living in Rutherford Count y, TN in the household of her son, Pinky Miller, in 1900. 
MAYFIELD, Sarah T. "Sallie" (I2268)

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